Chapter 1784
Besides, after Zhan Hu, Li Lin, Dugu and others were suddenly received into the small world by Quan Jiayun just now, they looked at a strange forest in front of them, and everyone was stunned.

You look at me, I look at you, they all look at each other.

They didn't know why there was such a place suddenly behind the commander.

This can be said to be more teleportation than teleportation, because from the perspective of scenery, I don't know where to change.

What is this place?
Why did they come all of a sudden.

When everyone had such a question mark in their hearts, they ran into a monster, so the soldiers began to hunt the beast passively, and Li Lin flew into the sky to look around in the distance.

Looking at it, he didn't even know where it was, because it was all scenery that he had never seen before.

Fortunately, the high-level monsters in the small world had been eliminated long ago, and they were quickly killed. Afterwards, Dugu and Zhanhu took out spare uniforms from the storage bags and put them on for each of them.

Just when everyone changed their clothes, amidst all kinds of puzzled guesses, Zhan Hu and Dugu worried.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past, and then they saw the familiar scenery again, saw the familiar Wu family members, they hurriedly looked back, and saw Jiang Shanxue there.

"Master, are you okay?" Dugu was the first to ask with concern.

"Commander! Commander." Zhan Hu and the others followed, but they also saw that Commander Jiang was fine at this moment, with no blood or scars on his body.

Moreover, the dangerous woman was no longer there, and the shouts of each one turned into excitement.

Quan Jiayun looked at the excited faces, especially Zhan Hu and Dugu, who were obviously worried about her just now, and the joy in their eyes was obvious now.

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth ticked upwards, thinking, it would not be in vain for her to take them all this time.

Quan Jiayun didn't say much to them, so he ordered lightly: "Break the formation."


Li Lin quickly took the order, and at the same time he was secretly shocked.

He quickly looked around just now, but he didn't find the avatar of the cultivator in the transformation stage just now. The avatar was gone, but Jiang Shanxue was unscathed! !
The information is simply horrific.

What just happened?
How did Jiang Shanxue do it?
Can Jiang Shanxue even fight against the artistic conception of the cultivators in the stage of transforming gods?

When Li Lin turned around in shock, he saw the panicked faces of everyone in the Wu family.

Obviously, Quan Jiayun's order made the Wu family panic.

Wu Anfu blushed even more, his neck was thick, and he roared in a suppressed manner: "Jiang Shanxue, do you really have to be enemies with our Wu family? If you really do this, the ancestor will definitely not spare you when he comes back. of!!"

Quan Jiayun was too lazy to listen to the other party's nonsense, so she urged again.

"Do it."

When Quan Jiayun's face sank, it was the kind of camouflage that did not smile at all, it could be said to be colder than anyone else, not Si Chengtian's kind of solitary coldness, but ruthless coldness, full of evil spirit.

Li Lin's mind froze, he calmed down all the chaotic emotions in his heart, and hurried to do it.

Seeing that Jiang Shanxue didn't listen at all, Wu Anfu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He walked back and forth twice.

Seeing the change of the big formation shake again, it is in danger of collapsing.

He shouted with red eyes like a fight between trapped beasts: "Jiang Shanxue, you always want our Wu family to refine the weapon for you. I will open the big formation to let you in. Don't destroy the big protective formation, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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