The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1795 is buried here

Chapter 1795 is buried here

Yes, emaciated corpses.

What else could it be if it wasn't a corpse.

Today's Si Chengtian no longer has the perfect body before, and has lost at least [-] catties. The military uniform that usually fits him so loosely covering his body, making him look very thin.

He was lying there. Although his body was not rotten and his face was calm, he had no breathing or heartbeat. He was truly dead.

When Quan Jiayun saw this scene, his mind seemed to explode with a bang.


He actually died! !

Quan Jiayun's calf trembled, and his steps almost softened.

In the next second, a large wave of emotion rushed into Quan Jiayun's heart, but this emotion was not sadness or reluctance, but anger, monstrous anger.

waste! !
waste! !
He really died like that!Didn't he say to work hard to get her love?Didn't he say that he would be with her for a long time?Ah, is that how she responded?
Quan Jiayun quickly moved in front of Si Chengtian, kicked Si Chengtian angrily, and kicked Si Chengtian away.

Obviously, this still doesn't solve Quan Jiayun's anger.

Quan Jiayun chased after him, and wanted to kick a second time. However, when he raised his leg and was about to kick, seeing Si Chengtian's thin, sleeping face, Quan Jiayun's foot froze in mid-air .

She stared at him for a while...

Quan Jiayun put his foot on the ground, but he didn't kick the second kick after all.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

first bite.

It's nothing, no, it's just Si Chengtian's death, it's not a big deal, it's a normal thing.

Second mouth.

It's nothing, it's just a man she likes a little bit, man, there are many things you want.

The third bite.

There is nothing unacceptable. Although it is a bit regrettable, it will be fine in a few days. Time will take everything away. Didn't she not think of this person before she left Southwest for half a year.

Fourth bite.

If you want to become a fairy, don't stick to the love of these children, and cut off the emotions you shouldn't have.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a big knife seemed to appear, which really cut off the trace of Quan Jiayun's affection.

Opening her eyes again, Quan Jiayun's face no longer showed anger or excitement, her face has returned to calm, and her eyes have returned to calmness.

She looked at Si Chengtian on the ground, her eyes no longer contained any emotion.

Weep for the dead.

Remembering the dead was not her style.

Isn't it just a man?

Quan Jiayun stared indifferently for three seconds, stretched out his hand, and Si Chengtian's body immediately flew in front of Quan Jiayun's hand. Quan Jiayun grabbed his collar, left the fairy palace in an instant, and came to a mountain peak. mountain top.

"Just bury it here!"

Quan Jiayun turned his left hand, and the ground rolled with a clatter, and soon a big pit was formed.

Quan Jiayun was about to throw Si Chengtian into the soil to bury his head, at this moment, Quan Jiayun felt her heartbeat under her palm, although the beating was weak and slow, it really jumped up.

Feeling the heartbeat, Quan Jiayun's fingers froze for a second, and then he turned his eyes to Si Chengtian in his hand.

Si Chengtian still didn't open his eyes, and the vitality in his whole body was still almost extinct, but really, his heart was beating again.

Quan Jiayun stared at his face, the light in his eyes lit up in surprise.

He is not dead! !

(End of this chapter)

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