Chapter 1796 A Call

But it didn't take long to find that Si Chengtian was still looking like he was dying, the light of surprise in Quan Jiayun's eyes faded away, replaced by a cold and ruthless look.

The one who wants to die is trying to torture someone! !
kill him.

In an instant, this strong thought sounded in Quan Jiayun's mind.

Just kill him.

Her emotions in the future will not be as close to out of control as recently. For Quan Jiayun, who always likes to control everything, she hates everything that cannot be controlled by her.

At this moment, Quan Jiayun really wanted to kill the man in his hand.

Just when Quan Jiayun was about to put this idea into action, a murmur came out from Si Chengtian's dry and peeling lips.

"Jia Yun."

The sound was very small, almost silent, completely mixed with the sound of the wind.

But for Quan Jiayun who owns the whole small world, the voice was so clear, so clear that it aroused the emotion that was suppressed by her.

Quan Jiayun's body trembled, looking at Si Chengtian who still hadn't woken up, he couldn't do anything after all.

At this moment, staring at Si Chengtian's face, Quan Jiayun realized something again, she thought, if she wanted to get rid of the person who disturbed her mood because she was disturbed, after all, she was not strong enough.

A really strong person doesn't do that.

Quan Jiayun's mood suddenly became transparent and calm.

No more irritability.

Quan Jiayun took Si Chengtian back to the Immortal Palace with a teleport, she thought, regardless of whether Si Chengtian would wake up in the end, she would accompany him through this journey.

If she dies, she will repay his love, and there will be no evil thoughts after that.

If he woke up, she would give him a good beating.

Si Chengtian, whose divine sense was in the ancient battlefield, had no idea that he almost entered the gate of hell.

That day, in the land of extinction after the killing, Si Chengtian was strongly repelled and expelled because of the meaning of extinction. In such a process, it was impossible to thoroughly understand what he wanted to understand.

It's like there is a truth in front of you, but you always have a thin film with it.

Si Chengtian wanted to understand, wanted to figure it out.

So, knowing the danger, Si Chengtian resolutely chose to fuse his divine sense into the extinct world behind the battlefield. In the next few days, during the assimilation, Si Chengtian forgot everything.

Because Si Chengtian entered the land of extinction in the painting in his mind, and tried to blend in the meaning of extinction, so this meaning of extinction was also brought to Si Chengtian's real body.

As a result, Si Chengtian became thinner and thinner day by day, and his vitality became less and less.

Si Chengtian didn't know about all this.

Here he seems to have become the wind of this battlefield, or the land of this battlefield, or a corpse of this battlefield.

In short, in the passage of time day by day, he seems to have become the will of this world.

When Si Chengtian completely merged with the land of extinction, in reality, his body was completely lifeless, and that was already ten days ago.

When the vitality was cut off here, Si Chengtian in the extinct land woke up like an ignorant newborn.

In this desolate and uninhabited land, he turned and turned.

Suddenly one day, he saw a ship appearing in the starry sky, but the ship did not stop, and fled away from a distance, as if he was very afraid of this world.

Another day, he saw a wounded man being knocked down to this world.

(End of this chapter)

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