Chapter 1809

However, when Master returned to the Southwest Base, she never saw Si Chengtian appear once. She heard that General Si had gone to retreat, so Master took over the Southwest Base.

Seeing him now, and hearing the master tell him again, Ye Hongyan's voice was tense, but he called out to Si Chengtian's voice unambiguously: "Master."

Saying hello, master, put Si Chengtian in a good mood.

Si Chengtian's heart skipped a beat when he heard the word "apprentice", but he did not forget that Quan Jiayun's female apprentice surnamed Tang was quite hostile to him.

It looked like he snatched Quan Jiayun away.

Now that there is such a sentence of master, although Si Chengtian's stern face has no superfluous expression, he looked at Ye Hongyan and nodded, and then he moved a small object to Ye Hongyan.

Ye Hongyan took it in his hand reflexively, and when he was looking down, Si Chengtian said: "What equipment will you lack in the future, take this to the military resource bank to get it."

Ye Hongyan did not expect that the face of the card in his hand would have such an effect.

This is a privilege, a great privilege, Ye Hongyan blinked, raised his head, looked at Si Chengtian in surprise and said, "Thank you, Master, for the greeting."

Si Chengtian nodded lightly, didn't say anything, but looked at Quan Jiayun, and saw that Quan Jiayun was looking at him with a half-smile, full of teasing.

Meet this gaze.

Si Chengtian pursed his lower lip.

Ye Hongyan was a person who came here. Seeing the two people's eyes met, he quickly said with his things: "Master, I'm going out first."

As Ye Hongyan said, he hurried out and returned the room to the two of them.

As soon as Ye Hongyan left, Quan Jiayun walked up to Si Chengtian, bumped Si Chengtian's arm and said, "Yes, our rich and powerful General Si."

Si Chengtian hurriedly stated: "She is your apprentice."

The implication is that he did this because he was her apprentice.

Of course Quan Jiayun knew this, she was laughing at this sullen man, he was too coaxing, a master would bleed profusely, he was simply worthless.

She shot him a glance, and said intentionally: "Why don't you give a big gift to my former apprentice, General, it's not fair for you to do so."

Si Chengtian: "..."

Although his mouth is better than before, Si Chengtian still can't speak to Quan Jiayun. He pursed his lips, unable to think of good words, and finally looked at her with a helpless smile and said, "You know why?" .”

Quan Jiayun raised his eyes to pretend to be stupid, opened the door and said, "What do you know, I don't know."

Si Chengtian stopped her from behind, picked her up in the princess's arms, leaned over and rubbed the tip of his nose against her nose vigorously, and said in a vibrating voice, "Give me my title."

Quan Jiayun was tickled, and pushed him with a smile: "Isn't the title given to you, no one in the whole world knows that you, Si Chengtian, are my blood-blooded man."

Si Chengtian will also express his dissatisfaction.

"not enough."

Quan Jiayun said frankly: "Why is it not enough, I haven't completely slept with you yet, why do you think you have the nerve to ask me for more titles?"

The two of them went downstairs while bickering with each other.

Because Quan's father and mother were away and no one else was in the villa, the two walked out of the villa and got into the car. As for Ye Hongyan, of course he stepped aside.

The luxurious car quickly left the villa and drove onto the boulevard.

(End of this chapter)

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