The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1810 Marshal position, do you want it

Chapter 1810 Marshal position, do you want it
It was winter and the Chinese New Year was about to come. When we left the villa area and came to the main road, what we saw on both sides of the street were lively and peaceful scenes, and there was no fight at all.

Looking at this peaceful scene, Si Chengtian knew that during the few months he was away, nothing happened at the Southwest Base, and Quan Jiayun must have contributed to it.

After all, she's back.

Si Chengtian said sincerely again: "Thank you for your hard work, and you came here to take care of the Southwest Base."

Quan Jiayun was lazily leaning on the back of the chair. Hearing this, he recalled her violent behavior some time ago, and seeing this scene of peace that couldn't be more peaceful, the corners of her mouth curled up and said, "It's true that I took good care of it. "

If it wasn't for her iron-blooded wrist to take good care of it, it wouldn't be as effective as it is today.

Si Chengtian didn't think much about it, he quickly drove the car to the restaurant she wanted to go to, the sudden arrival of the two of them made the shop owner's face rotten with laughter.

However, the owner of the wind shop didn't have the guts to spread the word, so he could only hold back his joy and wait for future conversations.

After dinner.

Quan Jiayun proposed to go shopping, Si Chengtian naturally had no objection to this, although Quan Jiayun could let major brands send the latest clothes to her.

Still, there are joys to shopping in person, too.

Especially after working hard for so long, Quan Jiayun also wanted to take a vacation for himself to relax during this time.

Of course, both of them were disguised when they went there.

Otherwise, as two people, there will be a crowd of people wherever they go. Fortunately, although the two are disguised, the aura is still there, and there is no unpleasant dog-eyed look at others.

In this way, like ordinary couples, the two went shopping, watched movies, and went to gamble a few nights, spending a very relaxing afternoon and evening.

When they returned to the villa, Quan's parents had already returned, and they also brought back Quan Zhengcheng.

Because of the communication, they all knew that Quan Jiayun had left the customs.

After the meeting, seeing Si Chengtian was there, it was another exchange of pleasantries.

Because they could trust Si Chengtian's character, and Quan Jiayun himself was such an assertive person, the elders didn't mention anything about other things, they just chatted briefly.

The next day, Quan Jiayun and Si Chengtian went to the military headquarters together.

The appearance of Si Chengtian made the people in the southwest base rejoice.

Although they didn't think about Si Chengtian's death, his absence felt like something was missing to the people who had been under his control for several years.

Now, I am happy.

The high-level figures in other bases are apprehensively estimating how far the two of them have progressed. Of course, no matter how they guess, they will not be able to guess for sure.

After all, enlightenment requires an opportunity in addition to one's own understanding.

And even if you know that others have enlightened, you can't know what enlightenment is before the other party makes a move. This is a secret that every monk will not reveal.

The return of the two caused a surge of undercurrents in the other bases, and each had their own love in their hearts. Among them, the top leader of the second base took the initiative to contact Jiang Shanxue to express his goodwill, saying that he was willing to make him the marshal of the Sixth Army and Si Chengtian as the deputy marshal.

Quan Jiayun just smiled when he saw this proactive message, and didn't agree.

She knew that the other bases were still on the sidelines, and they must be waiting for her to take the initiative to ask for this position. However, Quan Jiayun didn't have any desire for the position of Marshal.

She wanted the East China base only because her parents wanted to live there for a long time.

Quan Jiayun raised his eyelids, looked at Si Chengtian with a smile and said, "Do you want the position of Marshal?"

 Boss Quan is the domineering president's pet standard, clothes, jewelry, houses, whatever, if you want, Jiangshan will make it for you to play with, you can want the whole world.

  By the way, yesterday I felt unwell and had a fever. I left a message in the comments after 8 o’clock. I don’t know why mine didn’t show up in the end. I’m crying, I’m sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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