The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1812 Sending the Netizen General Si

Chapter 1812 Sending the Netizen General Si

Real estate, money, weapons, everything, it can be said that this is a wealth statement that can shock countless people, because Si Chengtian owns a lot.

At the same time, there is also a black card of the highest level that can open all permissions.

Quan Jiayun held the highest-level black card in his hand, and raised his eyebrows as he watched Si Chengtian.

"What do you mean?"

Si Chengtian said: "I belong to you, and all property under my name should naturally be at your disposal."

If it was a different woman, I would be overjoyed to get such a huge net worth from a man. However, for Quan Jiayun, who is also a local tyrant, Si Chengtian's huge net worth is not that great important.

Quan Jiayun threw the things on the coffee table casually and said: "No need, put your own things away."

Si Chengtian guessed that she might refuse, and then said: "Actually, it's a reward for saving my life."

After he woke up, knowing that she had worked so hard to take care of him for several months, he thought about what would be the best gift for her. After much deliberation, he thought it would be more practical to give her all his wealth.

However, what Ren Si Chengtian said, Quan Jiayun did not accept Si Chengtian's wealth.

She still hopes that it is better for the two of them to separate their things.

Being in love is being in love.

Don't mix it too much.

When there is no relationship, she will not feel that she owes anyone.

Therefore, Si Chengtian's gift could not be sent out.

But Si Chengtian didn't give up on giving her a gift, and for a day or two after that, Si Chengtian was thinking about what would be better for him to give her. Although he didn't have to give her a gift, he wanted to.

During Si Chengtian's serious thinking, Si Chengtian finally figured it out.

For the next few days, except for some fluctuations caused by the occasional monster birds flying through the sky, the days were quite calm.

In addition to the fixed practice time, Quan Jiayun would either accompany his parents, or take Si Chengtian to play around, and the days can be talked quite happily.

Two of them stopped by the cultivator's market once.

However, what the cultivators on earth have is limited.

Quan Jiayun went shopping in disguise, but did not find any particularly valuable treasures.

Pills, Talismans, Magical Artifacts and Spiritual Artifacts are really poor, and in Quan Jiayun's eyes, they are almost like garbage.

There are too many impurities in the elixir, and [-]% of the potency is less, let alone flawless, and the types are limited, there are only a dozen or so types that come and go.

The talismans sold are only first-order and second-order, and there are still few.

Magical artifacts and spiritual artifacts are also ordinary.

Among the things sold in the whole square market, the only thing that caught Quan Jiayun's eyes was the animal charm.

The so-called beast talisman is a special type of talisman.

In ordinary talisman paper, the sealed ones are either offensive spells or defensive spells.

What is sealed in the beast talisman is the soul of the monster.

That is to say, after killing the monster, extract the soul of the monster, seal the soul of the monster into the talisman paper with a special condensing method, and take it out to fight for yourself when the time is right.

The blood python Xuan Yangzi used last time was the sealed beast soul.

Moreover, this kind of beast talisman is different from the one-time magic talisman, it can be used multiple times.

As for how many times it can be used, it depends on the energy of the monster's soul. When the energy in the soul is used up, the beast talisman will be scrapped.

Like that time when the blood python was severely injured by Quan Jiayun's lightning, more than half of its energy was lost, and it could be used once at most, and its power was greatly reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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