The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1813 The New Year

Chapter 1813 The New Year

In other words, the higher the level of the beast soul, the more times it can be used.

As for the beast talisman on earth, progress is relatively fast.

It may be because there are especially many monsters on the earth now, and they kill many more every day. Under the practice of accumulating a lot of resources, no matter what they have to produce some top-notch ones.

That's why the field of beast talismans has grown up in the earth's cultivation world. As for the beast talismans, there are many beast talismans in the market, which are more than the number of talismans.

However, the ones that are sold are basically beast charms that seal first-order monsters, occasionally there are second-order monsters, and there are almost no third-order monsters.

Obviously, for such combat symbols, everyone is more willing to keep them for themselves, and will only take them out unless they really need to replace resources.

Quan Jiayun looked at these beast talismans and thought with some interest, maybe she could let Ye Hongyan focus on the beast talisman.

Why not Tang Haoyue? It's because Ye Hongyan is more talented in Fu Zhuan, and Tang Haoyue's talent is more shown in combat. After all, she is a double cultivation of law and martial arts.

After this trip to Fangshi, Quan Jiayun obtained the method and experience of making beast talismans, and passed them on to Ye Hongyan, so that she could take the opportunity to practice well when she went out hunting beasts with the army.

Just like this day by day, time flies and the day of the Lunar New Year comes.

On this day, Tang Haoyue, Quan Xuesong, Lu Wanwan and others who went out to practice all came back, as well as Long Xiao who went to play with Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan.

Plus Dugu, Si Chengtian's two relatives, Quan's father, Quan's mother, and Quan Zhengcheng.

A large table of people sat together and had a New Year's Eve dinner.

Because she was educated by Quan Jiayun last time, and was sent out by Quan Jiayun later, this time Tang Haoyue did not make any small moves aimed at Si Chengtian.

She behaved quite calmly on the table. Although she still showed her excessive admiration and longing for Quan Jiayun when she looked into Quan Jiayun's gaze, she concealed her obsession and disgust for Si Chengtian Very good.

Therefore, the time for a meal was spent very happily, and it was the first time that Quan Jiayun had seriously spent a year in decades.

When she was at Cang Lan Xing in the past, occasionally she didn't remember that there was such a thing as Chinese New Year.

While admiring the fireworks after the meal, when the New Year's bell skipped, Si Chengtian finally took out the gifts that had been prepared for many days, and was the first to congratulate her: "Happy New Year."

Quan Jiayun looked at his boss Chengtian's star-like eyes in the night sky, and lowered his eyes to Si Chengtian's hand.

In Si Chengtian's hand is a gauntlet-like weapon, the whole body is black and silver in color, but its shape is different from the gauntlet-like weapons used by some warriors. It is very small, not bulky and very cool, especially The carvings on the outer side of the gauntlet are especially exquisite, obviously it looks good on the arm.

Quan Jiayun's eyes lit up as he looked at the weapon.

Isn't this exactly the shape of the weapon she envisioned?

She wanted to make such a magic weapon a long time ago. When she saw the modern thermal weapon gun, she just kept procrastinating because of various things. up.

She took it over and looked it over, and asked casually, "Where did it come from?"

Si Chengtian will be a little nervous.

After all, it was rejected once last time, and it is unknown whether this gift suits her wishes this time.

Hearing her question, Si Chengtian explained with a bit of embarrassment: "I personally selected the materials to make it. You can see if you can sacrifice it to make it into a magic weapon. If it doesn't work, I'll replace it with another one."

(End of this chapter)

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