Chapter 1814

Hearing that Si Chengtian forged this weapon himself, Quan Jiayun gave Si Chengtian a sideways glance.

Then she looked back at the weapon, stroking the lines on it with her fingers, feeling the material with her spiritual sense, and asked with some emotion in her heart: "Why do you think of giving me such a weapon?"

Si Chengtian looked at her profile, and said with soft eyes: "I don't think you are very interested in other things, so you just want to give me weapons, but you have swords for attacking weapons and defensive umbrellas. gone."

"The only thing I haven't seen is that you have one like this. In addition, I see that you like firearms very much, but pure firearms must not meet your requirements, so I forged this one, thinking that maybe you will like it."

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered slightly, and he had to admit that Si Chengtian's heart was really too delicate. She had never told him about it, but he could see her completely from the details. preferences.

The weapon was designed to hit her spot perfectly, too.

This is the kind of weapon she wanted, how could she not like it.

You must know that the Xinghe Sword, which she regards as the magic weapon of her life, has now been sacrificed to the level of a middle-grade treasure by her, and it is impossible to advance to a higher level in a short time.

Recently, she had thought about starting work and making some magic weapons for herself. As for the magic weapons seized from other people, she mostly despised them and used them as rewards.

There are only a dozen of them that are okay, and I plan to use them casually when necessary. After all, poor magic weapons can be used as shells to explode.

He sent it now, no doubt it was just in time.

And, she has confirmed it.

The materials used by Si Chengtian to forge this weapon are top-level rare materials, especially Geng Jing, Flame Stone, and Qingyin Sand, which can ensure that this weapon can withstand multiple sacrifices without being broken .

Exactly what she wanted.

Because of Geng Jing, top-level materials such as Qingyinsha can double the hardness of weapons.

The addition of flame stones in it will double the power after she sacrifices this weapon into a fire-attribute magic weapon in the future, because this kind of stone absorbs fire by nature, and with the restraint, it can explode with greater power.

This is clearly planned by Si Chengtian, knowing that she loves firearms, and obviously knowing that she will make magic weapons for firearms, not hidden weapons or the like.

I have to say he was right.

Quan Jiayun took a closer look, and when Si Chengtian designed it, he must have expected that she would include a spirit array in it during the sacrifice, and reserved all these places for her.

It is simply a perfect semi-finished magic weapon embryo.

Especially since he built it with his own heart and hands, this kind of intention is even more profound.

Quan Jiayun thought, it's no wonder that in the past few days, except when she asked him to be with him, he rarely took the initiative to come to her, so he spent all his time on it.

At that time, she thought to herself that Si Chengtian was getting smarter and smarter, and he knew how to play this kind of tricks, so she always had to speak up.

I didn't expect it to be so.

My heart is a little numb.

It is a feeling of joy.

Quan Jiayun hooked up the corner of his mouth, put away the weapon, raised his eyelids, looked at Si Chengtian with a smile and said, "That's right, I like it very much."

The light in Si Chengtian's pupils instantly lit up.

Before Si Chengtian could say anything, Quan Jiayun hooked Si Chengtian's neck with both hands and pulled it down, and kissed Si Chengtian's lips. Si Chengtian wrapped his arms around her waist full of joy, and responded her kiss.

Fireworks bloomed in the sky behind the two of them.

Another new year begins.

(End of this chapter)

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