The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1816 The Blooming World

Chapter 1816 A world where a hundred flowers bloom

Because he is trustworthy in this apprentice's character, he is the candidate for his successor.

So Gu Zongzhu replied with a smile: "You are wrong, it is not presumed that Hanyi will definitely be the suzerain of Lanyue Zong in the future, so I really shouldn't be polite to you."

Quan Jiayun replied with a smile: "That's right, I just said you're welcome."

The two smiled at each other and said nothing.

Because of this smile, Gu Sect Master let down a lot of guard against Quan Jiayun.

Later, Sect Master Gu took the opportunity to ask Quan Jiayun for advice on some issues in cultivation. This is also a common way of discussion in the cultivation world. Through mutual testimony, both parties have their own understanding.

Quan Jiayun was not arrogant and refused to answer, as long as Gu Zongzhu asked, she answered everything.

Although Gu Zongzhu was much older than Quan Jiayun, but in this regard, he felt that Quan Jiayun was too much, and he almost benefited from Quan Jiayun's words.

When Quan Jiayun was about to say goodbye, Gu Zongzhu was almost reluctant to part. If possible, he really wanted to chat with the other party for three days and three nights.

The other party didn't look like a fledgling little girl, she was too knowledgeable and had a lot of knowledge, no matter what he asked, she could answer them one by one.

Chatting with Quan Jiayun made Gu Zongzhu really feel that listening to the king's words is better than reading ten years of books. Many things that were previously considered obscure are now clear as if they were enlightened.

After bidding farewell to Quan Jiayun, Gu Zongzhu arranged everything and immediately retreated and attacked.

And Quan Jiayun bid farewell to his parents after resting for one night, and passed from Lan Yuezong's teleportation array to the East China base.

Of course, this teleportation array has also been improved by Quan Jiayun. It is no longer a one-way teleportation array, but a two-way teleportation array.

After a period of space turmoil, Quan Jiayun entered the East China Base.

The teleportation array here was set up in the underground storehouse of the Lanyue Sect's branch sect. As soon as Quan Jiayun's figure appeared, he quickly alarmed the people guarding this side.

When they saw that it was Quan Jiayun, everyone saluted respectfully.

"Elder Jiang."

Quan Jiayun waved everyone away, and walked out of the Lanyue Sect branch alone.

After leaving the branch sect of Lanyue Sect, Quan Jiayun changed her face to her original appearance in order not to be conspicuous,

Walking on the wide streets, everything you see is bustling and bustling.

Compared with the turbulent period half a year ago, the East China Base is now a scene of prosperity and a hundred flowers blooming.

Because the monk's method of refining qi has been fully integrated into the whole people after more than half a year.

For people, not being able to refine the body with demon blood does not mean that you are a waste in this life, you can also make a breakthrough by refining qi, and some people with high talents are doing both martial arts and martial arts at the same time.

So what you can see walking on the street are not only body-refining warriors, but also a large number of low-level monks.

And because of Quan Jiayun and Xuan Yangzi's pure blood alienation theory earlier, people have paid more attention to this point in body training since then. After all, the mutation has an additional form, which can increase more combat power and flexibility. .

So, after one or two years of fermentation, more and more human beings were mutated by the demon blood.

Today, on the streets, you can see many mutant humans that retain some of the characteristics of monsters.

Those with demonized cat ears, those with big fluffy tails on their buttocks, those with long fangs sticking out, all kinds, all kinds of tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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