The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1817 Cangyun Academy of Magic

Chapter 1817 Cangyun Academy of Magic
At first glance, it seems to have entered a fantasy space.

It is estimated that people a few decades ago would not have dared to imagine such a scene in the future.

But the fact is, things change so fast.

This is how times change.

Just like people who were still struggling in the feudal dynasty in the last century, how could they have imagined that in less than a hundred years, various high-tech electrical products would be invented,

How could anyone at that time have thought of such a convenient prosperity.

Of course, Quan Jiayun has contributed a lot to becoming what it is now, without her telling the various experiences of how to mutate, it is only up to human beings to figure it out, and it takes a lot of detours to get on the right track.

However, although there are many demonized people nowadays, it is not allowed to become a complete body under normal circumstances, because it will confuse other people's judgments and cause buildings to collapse.

Quan Jiayun watched all this, and listened to the discussions in his ears, and stepped on the bus bound for Cangyun Academy of Magic at the waiting platform full of people.

Cangyun Academy of Magic is not a real magic school, but an academy dedicated to practicing spells.

This is what Quan Jiayun arranged for Zhan Hu to do it when the Chinese New Year was approaching.

Because there is already a special military academy on the warrior side, which can directly send talents to the army, but apart from the most popular Lan Yuezong among the monks, there is no place to standardize the selection of talents.

It was only then that Quan Jiayun thought of this.

And the teachers invited are those monks who live in the East China base or from small families.

As long as you have the ability to go to Foundation Establishment or above, you can become a teacher if you pass the assessment.

This can be regarded as Quan Jiayun not only using these monks, but also attracting these monks, and preventing them from becoming demons.

For these people, letting them take charge of the East China base is the best way to subdue them. With a common honor, even if she is no longer on Earth, everyone will guard this place fiercely.

No one would say no to Quan Jiayun's invitation from Zhan Hu, and it was even more of an honor.

After all, East China is now Jiang Shanxue's territory, and no one wants to be favored by Jiang Shanxue to survive in his territory.

When it was announced that the Cangyun Academy of Magic, which specializes in refining qi and learning the law, was going to be established, how many people attracted their attention. These days, it can be said that it has always been a topic of discussion among people in the East China base.

Now the preparations for the Cangyun Academy of Magic have finally been completed, and the first semester of school is about to start.

This time, Quan Jiayun came to attend the opening ceremony of the School of Magic. She showed up to show her face. After all, this was the first time the School of Magic opened this year.

Originally, according to the time of ordinary schools, the school should start at the end of February, not long after the year.

However, because of Quan Jiayun's delay in time, the start of school was postponed to April [-]st, which was April Fool's Day in the past.

However, those students who passed the registration and selection did not complain, but excitedly waited for this day to come, so on this day, when Quan Jiayun boarded the bus bound for Cangyun Academy of Magic, it was full of people. are people.

Most of these people are young people, but there are also some older people.

The reason is that Quan Jiayun did not limit the age for going to school.

As soon as Quan Jiayun sat down, the young girl who sat down after her asked excitedly and enthusiastically: "Sister, you are also going to Cangyun College, which class are you assigned to?"

(End of this chapter)

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