The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1819 Principal Wang

Chapter 1819 Principal Wang

However, Quan Jiayun didn't prepare any drafts for the opening speech. He just planned to go to the conference room to have tea and snacks and wait for the ceremony time to come.

Of course, when Quan Jiayun showed up, he changed back to Jiang Shanxue's appearance again.

In fact, given Quan Jiayun's current status in Huaxia, she doesn't need to be so secretive, because no one will be her threat, and she can definitely announce that Jiang Shanxue is Quan Jiayun's identity, and then Make a big news.

But Quan Jiayun didn't do that.

Because it is not a good thing for her to announce it.

Now the name of Jiangshanxue is too famous nowadays, wherever he walks, he is the focus of attention, and when he appears, he will be surrounded by crowds surrounded by three circles inside and outside, like watching some rare animals.

Although she can ignore these gazes, it is annoying.

So she didn't intend to announce that if everyone knew that Jiang Shanxue was Quan Jiayun, she would lose her identity of being able to walk on the streets as she pleased.

That's just right now.

With Jiang Shanxue's identity as a facade outside, she was enough to shock everyone.

She can easily walk on the street with her original appearance.

Although with Quan Jiayun's identity, he still has the halo of being the chief of a military academy, he is not completely unknown.

But because of her successful alchemy, under the influence of the spirit, her bones have undergone major changes, causing her appearance to take a big step closer to her original appearance.

Now, her appearance has changed a lot from a year ago. Even if the students in the same class saw her, they still couldn't be sure that she was Quan Jiayun.

Therefore, now that she can walk around freely with her own face on her face, it is the most comfortable for her.

Of course, Quan Jiayun would not make it public because of his mere reputation.


The school, the principal, the vice principal and others who had been waiting there for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the appearance of Jiang Shanxue. They were worried that the boss would not come if he could not come.

Although Jiang Shan's blood is not coming, the opening ceremony of the college can still proceed normally.

But it has always lacked greater prestige and momentum.

Because the outside world will wonder if Jiang Shanxue doesn't pay much attention to this project and this school.

Now that Jiangshan's blood has come, they feel at ease.


Going up to meet them and saluting together, calling the commander, a refined man in his 25s and [-]s who was the first in a white retro tunic suit said, "Commander, everything is ready, and the opening ceremony will be officially held in [-] minutes. There is still time, do you want to see the campus?"

Hearing these words, Quan Jiayun looked at this elegant and steady man.

This is the principal candidate she chose, a Jindan early-stage cultivator in his sixties, a casual cultivator named Wang Huachi.

Because she was in the Southwest before, the interviews were all through video communication, and now it is the first time to see her in person.

However, when she first interviewed, the other party was only a monk who had completed the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen.

At that time, she saw that this person had a good conversation and suited her taste, so she gave some pointers, and asked Zhan Hu to give him a pill that could increase the chance of congealing pills by [-]%.

Of course, it wasn't just this person who gave her advice and pills in the past few days, but also several monks who had completed the Foundation Establishment.

But only this cultivator successfully survived the catastrophe two months later and became a Golden Core cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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