The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1820 Open a meeting

Chapter 1820 Open a meeting

The other few people, according to the news she got from Zhan Hu in the end, one failed and one fell, and the others were afraid of falling in the catastrophe, so they did not dare to condense the pill to attract the catastrophe.

After this test and assessment, whether it is gold or sand is screened out.

This Wang Huachi is naturally the best choice.

Having received her favor, as long as he is not a purebred white-eyed wolf, he must be grateful and loyal to her. This is why Quan Jiayun didn't directly accept the ready-made Jindan monk as the principal.

Those who have successfully condensed pills by themselves must have a bit of arrogance. Instead of recruiting such high-minded people, it is better to cultivate them by themselves.

Quan Jiayun turned his eyes away from the other person's face, looked at the stretch of buildings and said: "There is nothing to see in the campus, and it will be clear after a sweep of spiritual consciousness."

Speaking of this, Quan Jiayun's eyes turned back again, looked at the teachers in this part and said: "Inform all the teachers to hold a meeting, I don't seem to have a good chat with all the staff."

Hearing this, everyone's heart tightened, and they became a little nervous.

After all, this is the well-known Jiangshan blood in China. Since he killed Cangxuan and caused the collapse of the Cultivation Alliance, he is truly No. 1 on the Huaxia list.

Just seeing it in the communication video before was enough to make them nervous.

Now that we have to have a good chat, there must be some instructions and orders, so I am even more nervous.

Quan Jiayun didn't care about the mentality of these people, she walked into the spacious meeting room first, leisurely took out various snacks, and made a cup of fragrant spirit tea.

Quan Jiayun didn't wait too long.

When the notification came, all the teachers hurried to this side. It only took 1 minute for all the teachers to arrive at the conference room and sit down properly.

Quan Jiayun put down his teacup slowly, looked at the teachers in the room plus the principal and vice principal, a total of [-] monks and said: "Actually, I don't have much to say about calling you here. I will not directly manage the school. Everything in the school Principal Wang is in charge of all matters, so he is absolutely the one here, and I hope you can understand this."

Wang Huachi obviously didn't expect that the other party would help him build up his prestige first. Originally, he was very grateful to Jiang Shanxue for his advancement, but now, he is even more grateful in his heart.

After all, with Jiang Shanxue's words, it is better than his own power.

When the monks below heard this, they understood Jiang Shanxue's importance to Principal Wang, and they naturally felt more weighed in their hearts.

Quan Jiayun continued: "In addition, the establishment of Cangyun College is to better cultivate talents. After entering the college, if you want to get better rewards than others, you must rely on your grades, so all competition among students is normal. , but I don't want teachers to be unfair and cheating, and I hope you will remember this clearly."

Everyone stared at Shangquan Jiayun faintly, and their hearts froze again.

Quan Jiayun continued: "One more thing, as I said before, the rewards of your teachers are linked to the students' grades. If you want to get better rewards, you should teach with your heart."

There is only one episode of class time per day, so there is no need to waste too much of their own training time, of course they have to put their heart into it.

As for the teachers in the future, she has already thought about it. In the future, those monks who have no hope of forming an alchemy, or who have no hope of forming a baby, these monks who cannot improve their lifespan, are the most suitable people to come here to retire.

(End of this chapter)

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