Chapter 1830
In order to enter the path of killing, there is no other shortcut except for non-stop killing.

Therefore, this time Quan Jiayun went out to sea to do something, so he brought Dugu with him, because the entire earth has the widest sea area, and naturally it is also the place with the most monsters.

It was the right place for Dugu to experiment and kill.

Dugu heard that the master brought him out this time to accumulate killing aura for him, his heart was agitated, and he said steadily: "Yes, I will definitely not disappoint the master's intentions for the disciples."

Quan Jiayun smiled, said nothing, and the boat became quiet again.

In the rapid flight of the boat, after more than an hour, the two came to the nearest coastline.

It turned out that there was a town near the sea in this place, but now the town has collapsed long ago, not even a ruin.

And because it is close to the sea, in this area, except for high-level warriors, there are very few warriors of the first and second ranks, because the monsters in the sea are very ferocious.

No one dares to come here at all, so this place is very quiet.

The boat landed on the beach, Quan Jiayun collected the boat, skimmed it to the sea and threw it, and suddenly a white speedboat, more than ten meters long and several meters wide, appeared on the sea surface.

In fact, after the end of the world, the ships in the sea were almost completely destroyed. Normally, ships and speedboats were not dared to park in the sea area, and few people went out to sea.

Quan Jiayun's ship was also the only two that were towed back from the East China base to repair. This time, Quan Jiayun had someone strengthen the hull in advance, and then brought out one.

This is not so much a speedboat, but a high-speed motorboat, which could be used for border defense in the past.

As soon as Quan Jiayun threw the speedboat out, he landed firmly on his feet, and Dugu quickly boarded the speedboat.

Quan Jiayun started the speedboat and rushed towards the endless sea facing the wind, looking very skilled, because when she got it, she had already tried it in the sea area of ​​the small world once, and there was no problem at all.

However, even though it was opened once, Quan Jiayun was still in high spirits.

Looking at the sea beasts that had already smelled the scent, Quan Jiayun accelerated the speed of the speedboat to reach the highest speed, and directly hit the small shrimps on the periphery and galloped away towards the southeast.

At such a speed, the speedboat quickly rushed into the depths of the sea. As soon as it entered the sea, the sea wind gradually picked up, enough to level five or six, and the waves were choppy, sometimes reaching a height of more than one meter.

The sea breeze from the side poured into the cabin, and Quan Jiayun's clothes were blown by the strong wind, but it couldn't blow half of Quan Jiayun's body. The wind made her look more handsome and handsome.

Quan Jiayun looked at the ups and downs of the sea, felt the monsters in the surrounding sea area, slowed down a little, and said: "It's ok, let's attract the monsters."

Dugu understood what Master meant, and immediately sprinkled the beast's blood on the deck of the speedboat, and at the same time sprinkled it in the sea water. As soon as the smell of blood dissipated, countless monsters gathered here in an instant.

There are many types of monsters in the sea area, which are even more weird and terrifying than those on land. Even before there was no passage to another world, the sea area was a very dangerous and terrifying place.

Today, it is even more dangerous and forbidden to speak here.

Not to mention using blood to lure it, even if it is ordinary driving, no one knows how many monsters they will encounter. How can anyone dare to do this.

Dugu was a little nervous, but more excited from his heart.

This kind of thing was something he didn't dare to think about before, but with the support of Master, he is going to do it now.

It's crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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