The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1831 Crazy Killing at Sea

Chapter 1831 Crazy Killing at Sea

Dugu licked his somewhat dry lips, clenched the sword in his hand, stared at the sea around him, calmly and frantically waiting for the first sea beast to show up.

Soon, a huge water beast with a length of more than ten meters, a dark color, and black horns on its back rammed straight into the speedboat from the depths of the seabed at an extremely fast speed.

If this hits, it must be the end of the speedboat becoming countless pieces of broken pieces.

However, how could Quan Jiayun, who had fully unfolded her spiritual consciousness, let this kind of thing happen? She drove the speedboat with a flexible and elegant way, avoiding the collision of this sea beast.

So the sea beast rushed out of the sea directly, and flew several meters high in the huge waves.

Dugu moved at this moment.

As soon as his figure moved, he came to the near side of the sea beast, and slashed at the head of the sea beast. However, this sea beast was an early third-order sea beast, and its outer skin was quite tough. Dugu's sword did not penetrate into the flesh and blood.

After being hit by this blow, the sea beast landed on the surface of the sea, and then another impact, furiously opened its big mouth showing sharp teeth, and bit at Dugu, Dugu avoided it nimbly, and stabbed again with a backhand.

At this time, other sea beasts that were weaker than this sea beast also rushed over amidst the smell of blood.

Some of them rushed towards the speedboat, and some of them rushed towards Dugu. With a flick of his sword, more swords appeared, quickly forming a gorgeous flower and blooming.

This sword flower with eighteen petals is naturally Dugu's eighteen vertical and horizontal swords.

The sword tips went towards the low-level sea beasts respectively,

While killing the low-level sea beast, he dealt with this huge third-level sea beast, consuming its life little by little.

While fighting on Dugu's side, on the other side, a very long piebald sea snake stuck to the bottom of the speedboat, quickly climbed up, and attacked Quan Jiayun with its long tongue sticking out.

Quan Jiayun looked at the venomous sea snake, but still didn't move a bit, only a red mask appeared on the outer layer of the body, which was exactly the fire spirit mask in the aura shield.

Sea snakes belong to the yin and water attributes, and before getting close to even half of Quan Jiayun's body, they were scalded and shrank.

But suffering from such pain, the sea snake still didn't give up its action. More of its body climbed up, opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of green smoke, trying to rot the mask that made it suffer.

However, how could venom rot the fire spirit mask? Indeed, poisonous mist penetrated through the gaps in the mask. Quan Jiayun's whirlwind immediately blew away the poisonous mist.

At this time, Quan Jiayun released David.

Taotie has been starved by Quan Jiayun for two days. For a beast like Taotie that can eat a lot of food in a day, it is already hungry enough to go crazy.

Therefore, as soon as it appeared, it opened its big mouth full of jagged teeth and bit it when it saw the head of a snake with a big human head. The one-year-old monster didn't care about the huge poison that this sea snake could spew out instantly, causing death.

It only knows to eat food.

Originally, Taotie is only as big as a few-year-old child, but when it opens its mouth, it seems that its entire body has disappeared, leaving only a mouth.

The mouth was big enough to fit an adult, so even though the snake's head was as big as a human's head, it was still bitten by Taotie Manman in one bite.

With this bite, the body of the sea snake violently moved, instantly wrapping Taotie tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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