Chapter 1838

While Quan Jiayun was looking at each other, Andre's wanton eyes were also looking at these two Asian humans.

His gaze first looked at Dugu standing in front of him.

Even if the other party was clean, he still felt a strong smell of blood on this Asian man. Obviously, the other party had been raped and killed for a long time...

It was the beastly intuition that had always belonged to Andre.

He's pretty sure of that.

The corners of Andre's mouth curled up, his purple eyes turned, and he looked behind the man, his gaze instantly caught the girl's gaze that was too late to withdraw.

Four eyes facing each other.

One wanton, one flustered.

The girl's thick eyelashes trembled, and she quickly lowered her eyelids.

Although the girl's eyelids drooped quickly enough, one glance was enough for Andre to see clearly the girl's beautiful face like an elf and her pair of dark eyes.

Obviously the pupil color of the girl is the same as that of the Asian man.

However, the eyes of the same color gave Andre a different feeling. The girl's eyes were darker and purer, as if there was no trace of impurities, just like the most perfect black gemstones.

These years, in a high position, Andre has seen too many women, white skinned, black skinned, yellow skinned, pure and docile, enchanting, sexy, hot and hot. seen.

However, this is the first time Andre has seen such a clean and pure Asian girl with oriental mystery.

This made him feel bright.

Andre looked at the girl's face with drooping eyes, which became smaller and smaller. His eyes swept over her straight nose and pink lips, and then followed the neckline all the way to the girl's body.

Such presumptuous gaze made Dugu frown.

Although the master doesn't wear clothes that show his figure, and the loose clothes don't show anything at all, but he still doesn't allow others to look at his master with such presumptuous eyes.

Dugu stood in front of the master calmly, blocking Andre's presumptuous gaze.

Andre had already seen the girl's well-wrapped white winter down jacket, which was normal in this cold Arctic Ocean.

However, Andre disliked it very much, it was simply covering up the beauty of this girl.

For a while, all kinds of beautiful lace skirts came into Andre's mind. If this girl wears those beautiful skirts, I don't know how cute it will be.

Imagining that scene, Andre looked forward to it.

However, he is not in a hurry for this meeting.

When a person comes to him, he is already his person, and he can do whatever he wants afterwards.

Andre looked at Dugu in front of him and finally spoke out.

He asked, "Where do you come from? How did only two of you end up on this isolated island?"

Andre's English is obviously not very good, and his speaking is not standard, but obviously, he is not ashamed of this, and he speaks very calmly, obviously not afraid of being laughed at at all.

Dugu immediately replied: "We are from..."

Dugu made up a story about them flying across the ocean with a team. In this story, they encountered an air attack from monster birds and finally fell on the sea.

Later, when they turned over and struggled, only the two of them survived in a fighter.

This argument was discussed by Quan Jiayun with Dugu before using the technique of sound transmission, because it is the most reasonable argument. Of course, whether the other party believes it or not is not within the scope of Quan Jiayun's consideration, that is the other party's business.

(End of this chapter)

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