The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1839 Lovely Girl

Chapter 1839 Lovely Girl

After listening to Dugu's answer, Andre casually asked some irrelevant questions.

For example, what kind of clothes were the women on the fighter plane, who was the first to be eaten by sea beasts after falling into the water, what was the weather like that day, and what did they eat yesterday.

Problems like these that cannot be prevented are the most important test of a person's ability to think and respond.

Dugu, who was not good at socializing in the past, was almost brought into the pit. Fortunately, Quan Jiayun, a master of deception, was there.

Quan Jiayun, who has been hunted down twice on a large scale, is quite experienced in how to deal with suspicious people. You answer people in too much detail, and you may be suspected of making it up. Why not be casual, because you have encountered such a situation. The whole body and mind must be in a tense state. In such a state of tension and anxiety, it is normal not to remember too many things.

With Quan Jiayun's sound transmission guidance, Dugu successfully answered the questions raised by Andre.

Andre didn't know whether he believed it or not, but he finally stopped questioning, looked at the two of them and said, "Look at me, I was too busy chatting with you, and I forgot that you need food and rest more now."

Andre stood up as he spoke.

As soon as he stood up, his height of [-] meters made the room with a high ceiling look cramped, and the coercion of the high-ranking person was undoubtedly revealed.

"Just right, I'm hungry too, come with me."

Andre walked up to the two of them, glanced at Quan Jiayun who was standing on the side, and suddenly hugged Quan Jiayun. The speed was unbelievably fast, like a demonized cheetah suddenly moved.

But although this speed is fast, Quan Jiayun can avoid using teleportation if he wants to avoid it.

But she can't pretend anymore.

While Quan Jiayun hesitated for a moment, Quan Jiayun was already picked up by Andre with one hand, hugging the bend of his leg, as if hugging a little girl.

Dugu was quick to block when the opponent made a move, but his cultivation level was not as good as Andre's, so he was a step slower. When he wanted to make the next move, the man behind Andre had already stopped him.

Dugu stopped fighting, glanced at Master, stared at Andre, and said with anger in his eyes: "Put her down, you can't treat her like this."

Andre ignored Dugu, as if he didn't hear what Dugu said, he looked at the girl in his arms who was too scared to react because of this sudden move, and laughed hahaha.

As if he was very happy because his sudden action frightened her.

Hearing the laughter, Quan Jiayun rolled his eyes and landed on his face.

With a smile, Andre met the girl's beautiful black eyes, and said comfortingly: "Lovely girl, don't be nervous, I won't eat you, I just ask, what do you like to eat. "

Quan Jiayun looked at Andre, and really wanted to break the man's neck right now, but this man's aura was a bit weird besides being a Tier [-] warrior.

Quan Jiayun finally suppressed this murderous thought.

It's not unbearable to be hugged, even through thick clothes.

She moved her mouth and replied in a low voice, "I like them all."

The corners of Andre's mouth rose when she heard the soft, bright and mellow voice. Her voice really matched her.

If it's an ugly rough voice, he doesn't mind ruining her voice so that she can't speak from now on and become a beautiful and lovely mute lady.

(End of this chapter)

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