The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1844 Really Hateful

Chapter 1844 Really Hateful

However, she was thinking about serving the emperor at any time, so she didn't want to wear too much. She is an impatient master. As a woman who clings to him to climb up, she naturally does her best to make him feel comfortable and convenient.

It was because of this hard speculation that she was able to stay by the Emperor's side for so long.


Galina hesitated for a moment, but she still didn't tear her off and throw her away.

She told herself that it wasn't because she believed the nonsense words of the other party, she just kept a token, and when the time came when this woman couldn't do it, she could take out this thing to humiliate the other party.

The more Galina thought about it, the more she felt that she was doing the right thing.

She lay back on the bed, covered the quilt, and elegantly flipped through the book.

Twenty minutes later, the Asian girl finally came out of the bathroom, still wearing her previous clothes. Galina didn't want to deal with it at first, but thinking of what the housekeeper said, she said, "All my clothes are in there." , many of them are new, you can use them, don’t wear them out on purpose to say that I treat you badly.”

Quan Jiayun: "No, you wear it yourself, I'm not interested in wearing other people's clothes."

After all, Quan Jiayun lay down on the bed.

This reaction made Galina's teeth itch again. Sure enough, this Asian girl is not cute at all! !

When Galina was angrily picking her various thorns in the dark, soon, the sound of even breathing came from Quan Jiayun's nose. This was not Quan Jiayun's pretending, but really sleepy.

These days in the sea area, she took Dugu with her and took a rest every three days. It just so happened that today was another day of rest.

It's time to sleep when you're full.

As for other things, we'll talk about it when we wake up.

After this sleep, Quan Jiayun slept until night fell. The reason for waking up was that Quan Jiayun suddenly felt a threatening aura approaching her.

Sleeping outside, especially in the presence of other people, Quan Jiayun will never take it lightly, and will divert a little bit of consciousness when sleeping, so that it can detect any danger at any time and wake her up.

Now, Quan Jiayun just woke up.

However, she didn't open her eyes immediately, because she had already sensed that this energy of blood belonged to Emperor Andre on this boat, and there seemed to be another faint smell on him.

For a while, Quan Jiayun couldn't tell the difference, and didn't think much about it.

She just thought that if she opened her eyes now, she would look too alert.

At the same time, Quan Jiayun didn't expand her consciousness, she just sensed it with her five senses, this man walked to her bedside, then sat down beside her bed, and then he was staring at her.

Even being stared at by such a high-ranking martial artist, Quan Jiayun's aura did not change at all, his eyes were still quiet, and he looked like he was asleep.

Andre didn't notice that she was awake, and even in order not to wake her up, when Galina was about to approach with a surprised face, he made a silent gesture and motioned for Galina to go out.

Galina looked at the emperor, and then at the girl on the bed, feeling overwhelmed. She didn't expect the emperor to fall in love with her alone, but she wanted to be the one who was different and made people look up to and envy. woman.

However, the emperor is too different to this girl who just met today, which makes her uneasy.

Galina is concerned that her position is threatened.

However, even though she was worried, Galina didn't dare to say anything at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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