Chapter 1845

She obediently left the room. When she left the room, although she really wanted to artificially create a little volume to wake the girl up, she didn't dare.

Because Galina knew that if she dared to do this, the Great Emperor would kill her mercilessly. Galina knew how cruel the Great Emperor was to those who did not obey him and caused trouble for him.

However, just as the hatch was gently closed, as if the heavens heard Galina's inner voice, suddenly, the entire hull shook violently.

She grabbed hold of the barrier immediately to keep from being thrown.

In the room, Quan Jiayun took this opportunity to open his eyes.

The eyes of the two collided, Quan Jiayun blinked, and Andre grinned, and invited her: "Let's go out together and see what's going on."

Quan Jiayun has no objection to this.

The two went out of the cabin together. During this process, the boat was in a bumpy state. Andre did not perform balance suppression, just to see how the girl would stand in such a situation.

Now that Quan Jiayun has already shown his hand in front of the other party, he doesn't mind showing his second hand now. A pair of white wings suddenly appeared on Quan Jiayun's back.

This is also a pair of flying spirit weapons seized by Quan Jiayun.

There is no other effect, but it can fly fast, which is faster than the normal flying speed of Xiu Yujian.

As soon as the wings appeared and fluttered, Quan Jiayun's feet were off the ground, and no matter how much the hull bumped, it couldn't shake her anymore.

Andre looked at the pair of wings that suddenly appeared behind her, his purple eyes became brighter and deeper, and now she looked more like a pure angel.

Beside, Galina, who didn't go far, was stunned watching this scene.

She thought this Asian girl was weak, but what is this?
Grow wings?flight?
She is an angel?

No one told Galina the answer, as the two quickly disappeared from her sight.

Compared with the dryness in the cabin, the outside world is raining heavily. As soon as the two of them arrived at the door, they felt the water vapor rushing towards their faces. Andrei handed Quan Jiayun an umbrella, and asked jokingly at the same time: " Can your wings still fly with water?"

Quan Jiayun smiled, and gave an ambiguous answer: "I haven't tried it, but it should be possible."

Andre didn't ask any more questions. He took a big step and stepped into the rain, but the heavy raindrops didn't hit him. Within one meter away from him and three meters high, the rain was instantly absorbed Volatile.

It was as if he had become a rainwater insulator.

Quan Jiayun could tell at a glance that this was the result of Andre's heat that stimulated the demonic energy in his body.

It is not difficult for a Tier [-] warrior to do this, it is very easy.

However, Quan Jiayun couldn't tell how much this man was at the fourth level. When he didn't fight, he could only roughly perceive which big realm the opponent was in from the power of blood.

The small realm is not easy to confirm.

But the number of layers is also very important. The fourth-order double and the fourth-order seven-fold are not a concept.

Under Quan Jiayun's slightly squinted gaze, Andre went to the edge of the deck.

The people there were fighting fiercely with many sea beasts in the sea, and when they saw Emperor Ande come out, they immediately reported: "My lord, there is a giant jellyfish stuck to it under the sea, we can't kill it, and we can't get rid of it. "

A murderous look flashed in Andre's eyes, and then he plunged into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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