Chapter 1846 For You
Holding the umbrella, Quan Jiayun flew out of the deck, looked down to the sea from a distance, and saw that the crowd was fighting fiercely. Seeing Quan Jiayun's appearance, he walked away in astonishment.

what happened?Is this cute girl really an angel?

They had to think this way, otherwise how could a human being fly in the sky with a pair of wings?

Dressed in white with white wings and a white umbrella, under the red and white night that was rendered red and white by the flames of war, she seemed to be the most sacred existence, as if she was glowing as a whole.

However, this meeting was in a state of emergency, and everyone was just stunned for a moment, without looking at it, they quickly put away their extra thoughts and quickly deal with these sea beasts first.

Under the sea, after Andre went into the sea, he rushed towards the jellyfish, which was half the size of a cruiser. The jellyfish was blue in color, and it had more tentacles than octopuses.

Those are countless tentacles.

Because of its huge size, each tentacle is as thick as a finger. When it stretches out part of its tentacles to envelop Andre, it looks like a blooming ice flower, and quickly interweaves into a large blue net to cover Andre.

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth hooked slightly.

This kind of jellyfish has a strong neurotoxin, and the tentacles are also accompanied by lightning. The best way to deal with this kind of sea beast is the highest level of fire, which can quickly make it clean.

If it's close combat, as long as this Andre is cut open, then he will have to wait to die in the end.

Because even she has no solution to this toxin, at most it can only be suppressed first.

However, she thought, this Andre should not let her down.

They have proclaimed themselves the Great Emperor, if they have no skills, they would not dare to show off like this.

During Quan Jiayun's thoughts, Quan Jiayun soon saw a picture of tearing up a giant jellyfish, but the picture was not bloody, because jellyfish has no blood.

When it exploded, it was a group of ice-blue explosions.

It is a very beautiful picture.

In less than 5 minutes, the giant jellyfish that the cruiser was tightly attached to was torn to pieces. Above, other people also ended the battle, because seeing the jellyfish died, the other monsters seemed to know that they were invincible, and they didn't charge any more. It's up.

Although this battle was not considered dangerous, Quan Jiayun reassessed Andre's level. It stands to reason that some fighters would be subject to a lot of restrictions when entering the water.

But in the water, this man is still so vigorous and fierce. Although she has never seen the opponent's state in land battle, she can be sure that the opponent is like a fish in water underwater.

Back on the cruiser that temporarily regained its tranquility, Quan Jiayun folded her wings.

Just as Andre jumped up from the sea, he tore off the wet clothes stuck to his body with a pull of his hand, and frankly revealed his strong body with many scars, completely ignoring Quan Jiayun. The little girl' is seeing.

Dugu, who was also standing outside, twitched his mouth, what's wrong, this gringo likes to show his chest muscles so much?Dugu is ready, if this exhibitionist dares to show his pants, he will stand in front of the master.

Fortunately, Andre did not pull his pants.

Andre took two big strides, came to Quan Jiayun, and extended his palm to Quan Jiayun.

"Give you."

In Andre's hand is a water-blue bead as big as a child's fist. This is the inner alchemy of the third-order giant jellyfish, and it belongs to the ultimate water attribute. It is twice the result with half the effort for those who practice water kung fu. good stuff.

(End of this chapter)

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