Chapter 1847 Inquiry
Quan Jiayun's cultivation of the five elements is naturally useful, especially after she has formed the pill now, the ordinary demon pill is not a big bonus for her, so those with attributes are more beneficial to her.

Quan Jiayun was not polite, she took it and thanked her, then looked at the direction of the cruiser and said, "My lord, I want to ask, I can go ashore in a few days."

Andre glanced at her side, then looked into the boundless distance and said, "Are you in a hurry to go ashore?"

Quan Jiayun replied: "After drifting at sea for so long, I naturally want to go ashore."

Andre looked back at her, with a three-point smile on his face and said, "But it won't be so fast when I get on my boat, and my boat will sail in the sea for a while."

When Quan Jiayun heard the answer, he nodded slightly to Andre: "Thank you, Emperor, for letting me know, I understand."

She perfectly showed the posture that a rescued person should have, and her voice was gentle. If she hadn't shown her hands before, she would look like a well-behaved and harmless person.

Andre looked at her, his violet eyes flickered, and then said: "Go in and have some hot drinks."

Quan Jiayun shook his head.

"My lord, you are busy, I still want to take a look outside.

Andre glanced at her, and curled the corners of his mouth at her saying that he still wanted to take a look outside, but he didn't force her, he gave his opponent an order not to bully her, and strode back into the cabin .

Quan Jiayun looked away, and saw the people around her sizing up her.

Although Dugu knew that his master would not be in danger, he still quickly came to his master's side.

Quan Jiayun didn't care about Dugu next to her, she took a look at these people, and walked towards one of the men who was the most pleasing to her eyes. gas.

Victor looked at the girl walking towards him, blinked his eyes, and glanced left and right. Finally, when the girl stopped in front of him, he looked at the few raw meat wings on the deck, and the fish tightly imprisoned by the net opened their mouths. Said: "What kind of fish is this? It's so unique."

When she spoke, Victor confirmed that the other party was really asking him, and that the other party actually spoke the tone of their country. Although the pronunciation was a bit weird, it sounded cuter.

Victor was immediately elated.

After all, there are so many people here, no one is looking for this lovely and beautiful angel, so they come to him first, which is a great way to satisfy the man's vanity.

Although the emperor seemed to be a little special to this girl, he didn't dare to do more for the time being.

However, the emperor allowed his subordinates to touch women who were tired of him. This was the tradition of pirates, and the emperor would not care about such things at all.

Generally speaking, Victor doesn't like to play with women who once served the emperor, so it's not dirty, the rest is simply because he doesn't like it.

Therefore, he never played with the emperor's woman.

But this time.

If it was this girl, Victor felt he would.

Victor looked at her curious and probing eyes, and said to her with a smile: "This fish is a silver flying fish, which can fly more than ten meters above the water surface, and is good at spitting out water arrows to attack people."

Of course, Quan Jiayun knew about this, it was just an excuse to strike up a conversation.

As the topic opened up, Quan Jiayun chatted with this young man.

(End of this chapter)

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