The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1849 Entertainment Hall

Chapter 1849 Entertainment Hall

According to the deeds learned from Victor's mind, this Andre can be regarded as a hero, because this man has basically conquered the entire human territory here.

No wonder there are so many Tier [-] fighters on his cruiser.

In addition to the things about Andre, there are naturally many interesting things.

But Quan Jiayun was most concerned about the purpose of their trip.

In this regard, although the young man named Victor didn't know much about the trip, it seemed that his subordinates, including him, were wondering why he had entered the deep sea area this time.

Because there are many sea beasts in the sea area, it is not necessary to go so deep just to obtain resources by hunting. After all, sea beasts are endless.

However, no one dared to ask more about the emperor's decision, and they only dared to wonder in secret.

This doubt, coupled with the fact that the route was in the same direction as Quan Jiayun wanted to go, therefore, Quan Jiayun didn't mind staying a little longer on this cruiser.

Because as a person like Andre, it is impossible to do something aimless.

Maybe it's looking for some treasure.

If not, it's on the way anyway.

Jiang Shanxue didn't question what Master said, he believed in Master's judgment and decision, since Master said he would stay, he didn't say anything more.

Anyway, if the gringos here really dare to do nasty things to Master, then it will be these gringos who will be unlucky.

Quan Jiayun stopped communicating with Dugu, and then went to the entertainment hall in the cabin.

Yes, this cruiser also has an entertainment hall dedicated to releasing stress. After all, the people who are guarding the battle outside the cabin come in two shifts a day. After a long time of killing, people need to relax.

But limited by the size of the cruiser, they didn't bring too many women, so their entertainment was gambling, games, and drinking.

When Quan Jiayun arrived at the entertainment hall, he received another wave of attention.

Because it wasn't time for shift change yet, the people here hadn't seen Quan Jiayun yet, but they woke up in the shock and had already heard about the two Asians picked up on the isolated island.

Seeing the real person appearing now, there is a commotion.

In the past, in their impression, Asians were yellow and ugly, and they were all useless races. In the local area, some Asians still existed, almost the lowest slaves.

However, both Asians were born well.

Especially that girl, with fair skin and delicate temperament, her temperament is as soft as the moon, if she is not black-haired and black-eyed, but replaced with blond hair and blue eyes, she will be a pure angel image, pure and clean beyond belief.

Let these predators have some bad intentions to stain her dirty.

It has to be said that Quan Jiayun's aura of aura really gave too many people the illusion that she was soft and harmless.

Quan Jiayun glanced at the situation in the room, and frowned slightly at the situation of several men flirting with a woman in the corner of the entertainment hall.

Although Quan Jiayun is bloodthirsty and ruthless, but because she is a woman herself, and the status of women has been lower than that of men for thousands of years, this is the most unlikely situation.

However, those women did not show reluctance, but rather enjoyed it.

Quan Jiayun did not act without authorization.

She knows that some women are willing to live a luxurious life of rice worms, even if it means selling their own bodies, after all, it will not be hard.

It's not a way of attacking this kind of woman.

But Quan Jiayun looked down on him, quite a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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