The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1850 Join 1 Bet

Chapter 1850
Just like before the end of the world, the most delusional thing for women is to find a wealthy husband and be loved and raised by him unconditionally.

After the end of the world, except for some women, their status is detached.

The status of women has not improved, on the contrary, it has retreated a little bit. The delusion of a wealthy husband has turned into finding a strong and capable husband to protect her for a stable life, even if it is a lover.

I never want to be that wealthy person by myself, be that powerful person by myself, and would rather live by relying on others.

Not to mention, some women have been brainwashed by the patriarchal society for a long time, and even look down on women more than some men. Female stars can step on it unconditionally, as long as they cooperate with female stars, they are at fault.

Not to mention that male stars cheated and everyone helped to clean up for nothing. It’s not too late for a good man to turn his back on a prodigal son, and a woman cheats all over the Internet. She is a dirty slut, for fear that she will show less jealous and ugly face.

Quan Jiayun looked away from the eyes of those women, who obviously didn't like her, walked to the largest gambling table, and asked a table of high-ranking fighters: "Can I join in and gamble together?" ?"

A word set off several layers of waves.

Everyone didn't expect that she wanted to join in the gamble, and the table she went to was a table of high-ranking military officers, everyone had extraordinary cultivation, and they gambled quite a lot, and they gambled on Russian roulette.

It's a heart-beating gamble.

Although all human beings have evolved now, one shot is not fatal now, and the crisis of life and death is gone.

However, in order to be thrilling and interesting, they changed a warhead with toxin. The warhead is made of edible material and enters the human body through the mouth. The expansion of the toxin can make the whole body paralyzed and blind for a few seconds. It is a kind of near-death a feeling of.

Of course, they play this way not only to find excitement, but also to adapt their physical bodies and finally overcome such toxins.

Almost every once in a while, they will play this roulette in a different way.

Now, this girl actually said that she would join in and gamble together.

The men at this table glanced at each other with surprise in their eyes. One of the men looked at Quan Jiayun and smiled: "Yes, but we are all betting on supplies, what are you betting on?"

These words are somewhat teasing.

If it weren't for hearing that the Great Emperor seems to be somewhat interesting, these men would be more carefree. After all, women are like playthings to them, except for some powerful ones.

Quan Jiayun took out the water attribute demon pill Andre gave her just now.

"Is this okay?"

The man looked at this large inner alchemy, his eyes flickered and said: "Of course, but no one will return it to you if you lose, so don't cry then."

Quan Jiayun shook his head, "No."

While talking, Dugu next to him had already pulled out a chair for Master.

Quan Jiayun sat down.

Seeing that there was such a good show to watch, other people gathered around one after another.

Because it was Quan Jiayun's first time, the people at the same table explained the rules to Quan Jiayun.

The overall meaning is that each gun can be fired 9 times, but only one of them has a bullet. One person can fire it as many times as you like. You can fire nine rounds if you want. There are a total of twenty guns on the table. game over.

After it's over, the bets are paid out by those who got shot to those who didn't get shot.

Quan Jiayun looked at the twenty guns on the table and nodded to express his understanding.

The men at the table looked at her and announced, "Then the game begins."

 Recommended title: "The Empress of the Divine Phoenix: The Tsundere Demon Emperor, Addicted to Petting!" "

  Author: Ran Xiaoxuan

  Introduction: Forbearance for eight years, rebirth from the ashes!The fifth young miss, who used to be a good-for-nothing and silly girl in the general's mansion, is so beautiful and strong as hell!Both medicine and poison, he is the god of medicine revered by the world!In line with the principle that people don't offend me, I don't offend others, and if people offend me, I will be boned and cramped, and I want to live in peace.

  Of course, there will always be an enchanting and beautiful boy who won't let her get what she wants, and brings two dark-bellied cute babies to her door to collect debts! "Woman, you want to run away after sleeping with the king and stealing the king's seed? The woman, come here and pay the debt!" Mu Huachen raised his eyebrows.The beautiful boy compromised: "Yes! This king, get lost! But I will punish you to have another group!"

  Goodnight everybody,


(End of this chapter)

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