The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1858 Can you do it?

Chapter 1858 Can you do it?

Quan Jiayun said again: "Since you think I cheated, can you change the trajectory of the bullet without anyone noticing without not moving the gun?"

Dealer: "..."

he change?The croupier was immediately stopped.

Because he couldn't do it, it was because he couldn't do it that he was so shocked.

Quan Jiayun continued: "Or if the other nine adults at this table can do such a thing, if they can do it, I will admit that I cheated and give up all the chips that I will win this time. , if they can’t, wouldn’t it be ridiculous to say that I’ve changed? Could it be that I’m better than you all?”


Everyone did not expect that this Asian woman could speak so well, and she hit the point completely.

That's right, if according to the croupier's deduction, this girl can see which trajectory the bullet is on, and can change it at any time, is this girl stronger than these third-level high-level warriors?
The croupier looked at the people on the round table, tentatively: "You..."

He wanted to ask if you could, but he was afraid that asking too bluntly would embarrass them, so his voice was a little vague.

The other nine people glanced at the dealer and then at the Asian girl sitting there, their eyes were extremely complicated and difficult to understand.

They can confirm that they can smash the gun and the bullet into pieces with one palm, but they cannot quietly change the trajectory of the bullet inside under the eyes of everyone.

They can only feel the weight of the bullet head leaning to the left or the right when holding the gun, so as to judge whether the bullet is coming soon or is far away.


One of the short-haired men said, "Sergey, where is the bullet? You may have misremembered it. I think you should think about it instead of wronging a lucky little girl."

As soon as this person opened his mouth, several other men also echoed.

When the man named Sergey saw this kind of emotion, he immediately understood that this was an excuse for everyone not to admit that they were weaker than this girl. After all, no one can fulfill the girl's request. embarrassing thing.

It's better to say that he remembered wrongly.

What can he do in the face of a situation where several military officers are jointly exerting pressure.

He could only hold back his breath, and said to Quan Jiayun: "Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I really misremembered, I hope you don't mind my rudeness."

Quan Jiayun said: "It's okay."

Andre also said at this time: "Take out something as an apology and compensate Miss Quan."

Sergey: "Yes."

So this accusation ended just like that. Quan Jiayun, as the only person who was not shot, gained everyone's bargaining chips.

At the same time, everyone also understood that the emperor really took a fancy to this girl, and the posture of protection was obvious, so no matter what dissatisfaction others had, they did not dare to provoke Quan Jiayun.

In the next two days, apart from regular rest time, Quan Jiayun was keen to linger in the casino.

Since she was sure to win every bet, all the chips were in her hands in the end.

I don't know how many people have won, and everyone is afraid of her terrible ability.

In the end, almost no one gambled with Quan Jiayun. Every time they ran into her, they would find all kinds of excuses to slip away. For a while, the entertainment halls and casinos calmed down, and the people guarding the hunting animals outside became more diligent.

When Quan Jiayun felt a little bored because of this, in the early morning of this day, the cruiser that had sailed at sea for two days arrived at a somewhat unusual sea area.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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