The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1859 I'm Cowardly

Chapter 1859 I'm Cowardly

The so-called abnormality does not mean that there are more than a certain level of strong sea wind, nor is it that the waves are swept up to three or four meters high, because these are the normal state in the sea area.

The exception is thick fog, and it is the kind of fog with ice slag, which completely covers the sea area in front of it. When ships go in, people's enhanced vision can only see a distance of 20 meters.

It is obviously very dangerous to enter such a line-of-sight zone,

Because there are huge moving icebergs in the sea here, if the cruiser hits the floating iceberg, just like the poignant story in the movie, the cruiser will also sink.

And these powerful warriors on land, how much strength can they show to survive in the face of sea beasts underwater?
But despite this crisis, the cruiser has no intention of stopping.

Apparently it was Andre's intention to go deep.

Quan Jiayun looked at the front where he couldn't see the bottom, his eyes slightly narrowed, and there was thought in his eyes.

Is this the purpose of Andre's trip?
If you are just patrolling at sea, or going to the glacier, you can go around this sea area, unless Andre confirms that the coordinates are behind or in the fog, so this is so straightforward go in.

But what was Andre looking for, or where did he get the news?

Thinking of this, Quan Jiayun curled his lips and smiled.

I hope it will be more interesting, and don't let her waste two days.

When Quan Jiayun stood on a high place and looked into the distance alone, suddenly the wind around her turbulent, and Andre's figure appeared on Quan Jiayun's left side, accompanied by his voice.

"Wake up so early, why don't you sleep a little longer."

Quan Jiayun looked sideways at Andre, nodded his head and said, "I've slept enough, I went out to blow some air, but I didn't expect to see such a big fog."

Speaking of this, Quan Jiayun paused for a moment, and said a little puzzled: "Shouldn't there be a need to change the course in such a heavy fog?"

Andre met her dark eyes and didn't answer immediately, but just looked at her with that kind of interest.

Quan Jiayun immediately said: "I'm sorry, but I'm being too strict. I just don't think I should enter such a dangerous area."

Andre suddenly stretched out his hand to wrap the scarf around her neck again, covering her slightly red nose and lips, revealing only a pair of dark eyes.

Quan Jiayun blinked.

Andre looked back, waved his hand in the air, grabbed a handful of fine ice mist slag and crushed it: "Although this way is a little more dangerous, if you keep avoiding danger, you won't get it." grown."

Quan Jiayun said with a look of admiration: "The emperor is right, but I am too timid."

Andre's eyes fell on her face again, with a smile that was not a smile at the corner of his mouth, he said: "Are you still timid?"

Quan Jiayun pursed his lips, and said helplessly: "Although I don't want to admit this."

Andre has seen a lot of pretentious women. It can be said that many women have another face in front of him, but no matter how they pretend, he can also see a person's nature, whether he is afraid of him, etc.

Only this young girl, if she hadn't done a few outrageous things, just this shy appearance would really not make him suspicious.

But after she was playing roulette with a group of big men without the slightest fear of shooting herself, she still said that she was too timid. Isn't this just blatant nonsense to deceive him?
(End of this chapter)

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