The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1860 Meeting One Calamity

Chapter 1860

This time again.

Andre suddenly remembered the prophecy he had obtained. The prophecy said that his trip would not be [-]% smooth, and that he would encounter a catastrophe, which might lead to the annihilation of his entire army.

At the time Andre was focused on the possibility.

Because the meaning of these three words may mean that the situation mentioned in the prophecy may not happen, because the future is not static, and human behavior can change the future.

So Andre set off without hesitation knowing that there might be a catastrophe.

After Andre went on the road, he also thought about what this catastrophe was?
But after much deliberation, Andre didn't think of a reason, and when Quan Jiayun first boarded the boat, he never associated it with these two Asians.

Because they are undoubtedly weak in his eyes, not qualified to sit on an equal footing with him.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a kind of absurd thought.

Could it be that she was the one he called a catastrophe?
Thinking of this, Andre smiled dumbly again, what was he thinking, did he regard this girl as an imaginary enemy because of her a little concealed behavior?
How is it possible, the whole army is wiped out, does she have the ability? ?
Although he thought so, Andre still felt that it would be better to try again.

As a result, Andre's violet-colored eyes suddenly sank, and suddenly he punched Quan Jiayun, straight to her abdomen.

This punch used [-]% of Andre's strength. If Quan Jiayun couldn't dodge it, it would be a punch that would kill him. If Quan Jiayun avoided it, Andre would also test out her true strength.

Because in such a situation where he is so close and he is a Tier [-] warrior, there are not many people in the world who can avoid it.

As soon as Quan Jiayun's pupils dilated, he immediately knew that the other party was trying to test her. In this flash, Quan Jiayun did not rely on teleportation to escape after all. At this moment, she did not want to expose this point.

So Quan Jiayun wrapped several layers of golden masks, and received the punch abruptly.

Boom, when the golden mask shattered, Quan Jiayun spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body soared into the sea uncontrollably.

Seeing that Quan Jiayun was about to fall into the sea, Andre moved his body, and almost immediately fished Quan Jiayun back, and returned to the deck again.

This situation shocked all the guards guarding the side of the ship.

What's happening here?
Why did the emperor suddenly attack that Asian woman?

Amid everyone's confusion, Quan Jiayun, who returned to the deck, pushed Andre away almost immediately. With this push, her back hit the hull, and another trace of blood sprang from the corner of her mouth. out.

She looked at Andre with pain and disbelief and said, "Why? Did I do something wrong?"

Andre looked at her like this, and stopped when he wanted to step forward to help her.

Until now, Andre seldom regretted it, and now he naturally doesn't, because at least he has found out that although this woman has some abilities, she will definitely not be his doom.

For this alone, I will not regret it.

But although he didn't regret it, seeing her weak appearance, he also felt some compassion.

After all, if the other party hadn't been wrapped in those layers of golden masks at that time, there might not be such a person in the world now.

After all, he still likes this interesting girl very much.

Andre explained: "I just want to discuss with you. I thought you could escape with your substitute technique. After all, you escaped like this last time."

(End of this chapter)

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