The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1861 Quan Jiayun Injured

Chapter 1861 Quan Jiayun Injured

Quan Jiayun looked at him, his voice was weak, but he said indignantly: "That time, it was because you didn't move. I prepared for a long time in advance to do it."

Andre also felt that he was too suspicious this time.

He actually almost killed a little beauty that he liked.

He took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to Quan Jiayun, saying: "It's my fault, this is medicine for healing injuries, you take it and rest for a few days, your injuries should be healed when you go ashore."

"By the way, what was the golden mask just now?"

At this time, Andre did not forget this matter. ]
Quan Jiayun twitched his mouth, stared at Andre and said, "That's a defensive shield formed by magic."

Speaking of this, she laughed mockingly at herself: "If it wasn't for this, and the soft armor on my body, I would have been pierced through the abdomen and died by now."

Andre obviously couldn't stand such a tone full of resentment, he promised her: "Don't worry, I will make it up to you in the future."

This was the first time he had promised a girl that he would make up for it.

In Andre's view, he has already given in.

However, Quan Jiayun obviously didn't appreciate it, she glanced at him, then lowered her eyelids and said coldly: "I'm going back to my room first."

Andre ignored the indifference, and said positively: "You are injured so badly, I will carry you back."

Quan Jiayun refused, "No need."

Andre obviously didn't take this refusal seriously. When he stepped forward to forcefully touch Quan Jiayun, Quan Jiayun waved his hand away, raised his voice, glared at him angrily, "I said no."

Andre had never been yelled at like this before, he had challenged Ni Lin, his face darkened instantly, and he stared at the girl.

However, Quan Jiayun was not afraid of him, she stared at the expression on his face and said: "Why, you want to hit me again, hit me, anyway, I have experienced death once just now, I am not afraid of dying the second time..."

Before she finished speaking, Quan Jiayun coughed violently, and she quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

The anger that Andre had just raised was extinguished in an instant because of her words and appearance. He thought, she should be angry. After all, no one can calm down after walking in front of death. If she is not angry It's just a little weird.

Andre took another step back.

This is also rare for him, because he never thinks about others, and he always does whatever he wants. Now, Andre stepped back and said, "I asked your fellow countryman to come and help you."

Before Andre called for someone, Dugu had already come out.

Seeing this situation, he quickly stepped forward to support Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun stopped coughing, and said softly, "I'm sorry, take me back to my room."

Dugu glanced at Andre, then quickly left with Quan Jiayun in his arms.

Andre stood there watching the two disappear. He could see the look in the Asian man's eyes. It was dissatisfaction and anger, but he was limited by the disparity in strength. On his territory, he did not dare to express dissatisfaction with him. Look aggrieved.

Andre has seen too many eyes like this.

Andre tilted his head, but didn't take it seriously.

Soon, Dugu took Quan Jiayun back to the room, and kicked out Galina in the room.

"What do you mean?"

"this is my room?"

"How dare you let us go out, don't be afraid that I will tell the emperor!!"

Using a soundproof cover to isolate the woman's voice from the outside world, Dugu looked at Quan Jiayun nervously and said, "Master, are you okay?"

Although I knew that Master might be fine, I was also worried.

(End of this chapter)

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