The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1864 How is it compared to Si Chengtian

Chapter 1864 How is it compared to Si Chengtian

Now seeing a monster that might be a fourth-order monster, Andre's bloodthirsty heart came on the spot, and he immediately ordered: "Notify, let the cruiser stay where it is for 3 minutes."

"The laser here is locked on the monster just now.


Soon a powerful laser cannon was fired. This one was different from the hand-held laser cannon owned by Quan Jiayun. It was carried under the flying saucer. It was relatively cumbersome and could only fire three shots.

It is said to be a laser cannon, but it is more similar to an enhanced air-catapult cannon.

Boom, amidst the huge sound, countless splashes arose on the sea below.

The cannon accurately hit the sea beast, but some small beasts nearby were blown up by the air pressure, but the sea beast was not injured.

In the next second, this python-like sea beast with fish scales and wings fought back even more frantically.

However, the monsters are always limited in length under the sea, and they only play a role of intimidation.

Andre was not surprised but happy when he saw that the cannon could not hurt the hair of this monster, as expected! !If this was a third-tier late-stage monster, it would suffer some flesh and blood injuries in the face of the latest high-end weapons, but this sea beast was fine.

Andre explained a few words to his subordinates.

While the flying saucer was shooting downwards, he jumped down from behind without any hesitation. On the back of this sea beast, he had a brutal and bloody battle with this monster.

In the distance, paused on the cruiser that was not sailing there, Quan Jiayun looked into the distance, knowing that something must have happened to stop the cruiser, so he quietly expanded his consciousness to investigate.

Andre and the others are actually a little far away, but they are completely within the scope of Quan Jiayun's spiritual consciousness.

From this point of view, Quan Jiayun spotted a man and a beast fighting together at the first sight.

Seeing this, Quan Jiayun was slightly startled.

It wasn't that Andre was surprised that Andre was fighting the sea beast, but she found that the aura of this sea beast had also reached the fourth level, that is, it was a fourth-level monster.

Just looking at it like that, it belongs to a stupid monster and has no form.

But despite this, it is enough to make people think deeply about this information. Did this fourth-order monster break through on the earth, or came from another world.

Quan Jiayun squinted at the sea beast, then 'looked' at Andre.

Seeing the man flexibly making use of the backs of several sea beasts, moving at high speed and forming a land figure on the sea surface in his favor, Quan Jiayun had to admit that she seemed to have a slightly lower evaluation of him before.

The last time she hunted jellyfish, although she saw that Andre hadn't tried his best, she didn't overestimate him. After all, she had seen quite a few Tier [-] warriors.

The same Tier [-] fighters have differences.

Now, she has to admit that this person is very strong, at least much stronger than the Jiang Jianmin she killed back then.

Thinking of this, Quan Jiayun smiled.

However, how is it compared to Si Chengtian?

Obviously, Si Chengtian is definitely not as strong as Si Chengtian, not to mention that Si Chengtian can transform into a golden dragon to increase defense to fight, and Si Chengtian later realized the meaning of extinction and the blood demon Dafa is enough to look down on countless people.

Thinking of Si Chengtian, Quan Jiayun suddenly missed him a little.

What is he doing at this point in time?

Or are you still practicing or working in the old-fashioned way?

Thinking of these Quan Jiayun's heart moved, she didn't pay too much attention to the fierce battle ahead, but while watching from a distance with her spiritual consciousness, she took out a piece of palm-length, transparent chalcedony from the space.

(End of this chapter)

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