The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1865 Trendy Brand 'Mobile Phone'

Chapter 1865 Trendy Brand 'Mobile Phone'

The chalcedony was made square and long by Quan Jiayun, like a transparent phone model with a touch of sci-fi, this shape was specially made by Quan Jiayun, the function is just like a mobile phone, for contact.

Because there is no signal in many places on the earth today, and the communicator cannot be used in many places, so she specially made this one, so that she can get the situation on the other side when she wants to know.

For Quan Jiayun, an extremely talented array mage, it is very simple to create two mobile phones.

Just like the mutual teleportation formation, she first engraved a connecting space formation on the two pieces of chalcedony, and then drew a mutual sound transmission formation based on the principle of sound transmission symbols.

Such a simple and convenient 'mobile phone' without any signal interference has been produced.

But even though it was done, Quan Jiayun sent it to Si Chengtian, expressing that there was something to contact, but after she came out, she kept this thing in the small world, and she never thought of contacting Si Chengtian. Chengtian.

For Quan Jiayun, who has been alone for decades, she doesn't have the awareness to keep in touch with people, even if it is a relationship that makes her quite satisfied.

Brand new adventures are exciting and fresh for Quan Jiayun every day. Love and men are not too important to her, and she has no time to think about it.

If she hadn't suddenly compared Si Chengtian with others, she would think of Si Chengtian only when Quan Jiayun was bored.

However, since I remembered it.

Quan Jiayun felt that it was necessary to contact her, it had been more than a month.

It's time to ask.

With a smile on the corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth that he didn't even notice, he sent the spiritual energy into the chalcedony to activate the formation within it.

On the other side, Si Chengtian looked at the chalcedony that suddenly lit up at his waist, he didn't care to talk nonsense to the person in front of him, he stood up, held the chalcedony in his hand, and immediately sent spiritual energy to activate the formation on his side .

When both sides are opened at the same time, this communication channel is completely opened.

Immediately, the voice that Si Chengtian had missed for a long time entered his mind directly.

"Hey, my dear General, what are you doing now?"

That's right, Quan Jiayun Goujian's 'mobile phone' does not directly emit sound from Yuli, but directly transmits it to the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

In this way, considering the situation of being heard by others, there is no privacy. Therefore, when Quan Jiayun made it, he used the soul binding.

Soul binding is undoubtedly the strongest identity binding.

Under such circumstances, only Si Chengtian could hear Quan Jiayun's voice.

However, Si Chengtian was in agitation, and before he could reply, a woman stood in front of Si Chengtian and said in an extremely tender voice: "Don't you want to check, General, you haven't finished checking, where are you going? "

Because the space channel built by the chalcedony is open, the sounds near the chalcedony will be included.

So Quan Jiayun also heard this voice naturally, it wasn't the kind of pretentious and coquettish voice, but it had a unique charm shining.

When Quan Jiayun heard this woman's voice, she didn't get angry or unhappy. She wasn't stupid enough to suspect Si Chengtian.

Although she wasn't sure that Si Chengtian's heart had changed over the long years, at least in the past few years, that man would not give birth to any mess, she still had enough confidence in that.

(End of this chapter)

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