The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1876 The Ice Wolf

Chapter 1876 The Ice Wolf

The next moment, with a flash of white light, sharp claws tore at everyone.

The reaction was as fast as Andre directly chopped off a paw.

The slow-response Tier [-] fighters were directly torn off a piece of flesh, which can tear off the flesh of Tier [-] fighters. It can be seen that the sharpness of the claws can only be seen when everyone responds to them. They are a group of snow-white ice wolves attacking them.

However, compared to the ice and snow wolves they had seen in front of them, these wolves were obviously much stronger, and they all seemed to be Tier [-].

Not only is it very fast, its claws are sharp, and from time to time, it can spray out a frost mist that not only makes people cold, but also blocks people's sight.

All of a sudden, everyone fell into a fierce battle.

Fortunately, there is Andre in this team. Although this group of ice and snow wolves are powerful, under Andre's powerful attack, they flew together with broken claws, and died in less than a moment. Two people suffered minor injuries.

And the other teams that were also attacked by the ice and snow wolf, without Andre, would not be so lucky. After one round, although no one was killed, they were injured a lot. The worst thing was that one person had a leg was torn off.

Faced with such a thing, everyone was shocked, but also more careful about the surrounding environment.

Quan Jiayun also encountered a wave of ice and snow wolves.

Quan Jiayun didn't make a move and handed everything over to Dugu.

Facing these ice and snow wolves, Dugu used the high-grade flame sword.

This slash was like a meteor-like flame. The cold air and hoarfrost emitted by the Ice Wolf were instantly melted under the flame. At the same time, the snow-white fur of the Ice Wolf who was running slower was instantly burnt to black.


While screaming in pain, the Frozen Wolf did not give up and attacked Dugu from all directions.

Although Dugu had a month of killing experience, it was fine for him to face hundreds of late-stage second-tier monsters alone, but he still couldn't calm down when facing all three-tier ice and snow wolves.

However, Quan Jiayun gave him a good defense weapon that could protect him.

Therefore, even if one or two ice and snow wolves approached him from behind without changing his sword move occasionally, Dugu would have no problem.

He concentrated on performing the sword art.

In less than one, two, three minutes, after Dugu killed several ice wolves, these ice wolves were no longer dangerous to him, but unilaterally slaughtered them.

The Ice Wolf is also cunning, it seems that it can't chew on this hard bone, so it immediately starts to run away.

But all came.

How could Dugu let them run away.

After beheading all the ice and snow wolves that attacked this time, Dugu took out the demon pill inside as usual.

Quan Jiayun waited for Dugu to finish collecting, and then said: "Let's go, go see their situation."

Quan Jiayun put on the invisibility talisman Yu Jian and flew up to the sky, leaped over several glaciers here, and soon saw a group of people resting, Quan Jiayun said to Dugu: "You follow these people secretly, if you If you have any good things, just grab them, and if you encounter any special circumstances, let me know, and I will go talk to Andre."

"Yes." Dugu nodded to show he understood.

Quan Jiayun leaped to that side again. Quan Jiayun didn't find it for too long, and used his powerful spiritual sense to find Andre and the others.

Andre was the first to notice this unusual aura.

However, he didn't expect it to be Quan Jiayun, he just thought it was a powerful monster in the depths of the glacier. While he was watching vigilantly, Quan Jiayun withdrew his consciousness and entered the small world.

(End of this chapter)

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