Chapter 1877 Ice Worm
Seeing that the breath had disappeared, Andre said in a deep voice: "Everyone has scored 120 points. The further you go inside, the more dangerous it will be."

Hearing this, some people secretly complained.

I don't understand why the emperor wants to go deep into this glacier, and I don't know what is there. Is it necessary to take such a risk?

I wanted to think so, but no one dared to resist Andre's order. This was a matter of losing my head on the spot, so I could only continue to move forward with my heart.

And Quan Jiayun followed them tens of meters away, pretending to be icy mist scum.

In this way, we walked for another ten minutes.

Everyone didn't meet the Ice Wolf again, nor did they encounter other monsters. Just when everyone thought that only the Ice Wolf lived in this glacier, suddenly, there was a piercing scream.

It was from the mouth of the warrior who walked at the end.

Everyone looked back, only to see him terrified, slapping the back of his neck one after another, and shouting: "Something got into me..."

Before the man finished speaking, he knelt on the ice surface with his face twisted in pain, holding his head, and smashed his head on the ice surface vigorously. Swish, tiny ice shards splashed one after another...

Everyone was slightly surprised when they saw the man in such pain.

What's happening here?
Didn't see any monsters.

Because it was too weird, no one dared to step forward to help, but called the man's name loudly, asking about the man's situation, but how could the man in pain answer them, he could only keep crying in pain, he was even in pain. Unconsciously, he grabbed a handful of his hair and scratched his scalp until it was bloody.

"Ah ah ah..."

This tragic appearance shocked everyone, but none of them knew what happened.

Only Quan Jiayun, who was following far behind, saw what attacked the man.

"My lord..."

Andre motioned for everyone to be quiet, and stood two meters away, staring at the man struggling painfully.

After 1 minute, the man's breathing became weaker and weaker. Finally, he fell heavily on the ice and did not cry anymore.

The people present are considered masters, and they don't need to get close to hear each other's heartbeat stop.

Andre narrowed his eyes, and immediately ordered: "Simon, open his head and look for something."


Simon pulled out the knife and cut the man's head from the middle in an instant. Blood and brains flowed all over the place. Simon squinted his eyes and fiddled with the tip of the knife.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts tightened. Did they feel that this scene was bloody and cruel.

They have seen all the bloody scenes.

It's just that the other party was talking and laughing with them before, but now that they died so badly, it's inevitable that they feel a little cold.

However, they also knew that finding out what was the most important thing at this time, so they all focused and carefully stared at the separated head on the ice, and of course they were also vigilant around.

At this moment, a white and fat worm the size of a peanut appeared in the turned-out brain.

As soon as it came out, it quickly squirmed its body and drilled under the ice layer.

Simon's eyes were quick and quick, and he quickly poked it with the tip of the knife, but it didn't pierce the ice worm's flesh and cut it off. Like something soft and elastic, the little thing was struggling and still digging into the ice layer.

Seeing that this thing was about to run away from under the ice, Andre made a move.

He pried up the entire ice layer, threw it on the wide shield, and at the same time picked up the flame gun and pointed it at the ice layer.

(End of this chapter)

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