Chapter 1878

Amidst the sizzling sound, the ice layer melted away, and the ice worm was exposed on the shield. Obviously, the high temperature had a great impact on it. It was dripping with water, and it was not as chubby as before.

And the shield surface made of synthetic steel obviously makes it impossible to drill through.

It squirmed its body, trying to run to the cold place next to it at an extremely fast speed.

Although Andre didn't intend to kill it, he wouldn't let it run away either.

"Block it with glass."

With an order, the long and thick ice worms with little fingers were covered by the glass bottle.

Andre was not in a hurry to pick it up, but watched the changes of the ice worms, and saw that the ice worms in the glass spit out some ice mist, and within a short while, the glass shattered.

Apparently the glass doesn't trap it.

Without Andre's instructions, Simon changed to a vessel made of high-carbon steel this time.

After buckling it this time, I waited for 2 minutes, but did not wait for any movement. Andre signaled Simon to put it away, and planned to hand it over to the researchers to see if it was worth it after going back.

Simon took a larger vessel and buckled it down again, not daring to take it lightly, after all, this thing can penetrate even the body of a Tier [-] warrior.

Seeing them put away the ice worms without directly destroying them, Quan Jiayun breathed a sigh of relief.

This ice worm is a good thing. Although she hasn't seen this worm with her own eyes, she has seen it in the monster beast illustration book. This worm advances by sucking the brain fluid of beasts, so its physical value is very high.

When refining advanced Yuanying pills, this worm was one of the main ingredients.

But because its growth environment needs to be in an extremely low environment, and it is not easy to reproduce, the number has always been relatively rare, especially this kind of ice worm that can invade third-tier warriors, and its value is even higher.

If instead of putting them away, they are going to be destroyed.

Quan Jiayun had no choice but to change his appearance and intercept it.

Now that they have packed it away, Quan Jiayun continues to lurk.

Andre and his party set out on the road again. With one person killed by the ice worm attack just now, the current group of people are more cautious about this white iceberg that looks like nothing exists.

Along the way, they encountered some foreign objects that only existed in the world of ice and snow.

However, this time they were on guard and they didn't die.

In this way, a group of people entered the glacier and walked for more than two hours. However, after more than two hours, the group of them hadn't walked out of the glacier, and they couldn't even see how far ahead.

It can be seen that the cross-sectional area of ​​the glacier is not much smaller than that of the land.

The communicator brought by Andre only contacted the two teams. Hearing the feedback from there, Andre led the people over several lower icebergs and headed to the left.

That is to say, all of them are high-level warriors who can do such a thing. If ordinary people have climbed icebergs, the ice here would have turned into ice sculptures long ago.

A few minutes later, Andre ran into someone from the second team.

The second team did not meet the ice worms, no one was killed, but several people were injured, under the ice wolf and a huge ice bear, and now the first team is staying there to rest.

Seeing the great emperor coming, everyone stood up one after another.

"My lord, this is it."

Andre glanced at them, looked forward, and saw a huge ice cave on the right side of the glacier. The ice cave seemed to be winding down, and it was hard to see how deep it was at a glance. ,

Andre looked at the ice cave, touched the statue with his fingers, and closed his eyes.

A minute later, he opened his eyes and said with a happy face, "Go on from here."

(End of this chapter)

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