The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1879 2 meters under the ice

Chapter 1879 2000 meters under the ice

As soon as Andre gave the order, a group of people turned on the high-range explosion-proof flashlight and headed towards the ice cave. Under the bright light, the scenery inside the ice cave was completely exposed to everyone's vision.

This ice cave is not very narrow, with a height of more than six meters and a height of about ten meters.

But this height is not the net height.

Perhaps because of the melting liquid and freezing, above the ice cave are icicles of different sizes and lengths, and the hanging icicles are like sharp sword thorns, giving the ice The hole has a sharp murderous look in the cold.

As you go down the ice cave, the surrounding temperature becomes colder and the air becomes thinner.

Everyone looked at the front and still couldn't see the end of the ice cave, and they were shocked.

According to their estimates, they are already more than 300 meters below the normal sea level, so the air has become so thin, but it is not the end yet.

Although they all know that glaciers are not the only piece floating on the sea surface, glaciers are formed from the bottom of the sea, and the ice exposed on the sea surface is only a part of the panorama.

But they still have some puzzles.

Where does this ice cave lead to, and who made it?Why is there such an ice cave alone, instead of being completely closed together.

In the thinking of a group of people, the group went down more than 600 meters.

So far they have sunk more than 1000 meters in total.

However, this is not the end yet.

Although this ice cave has vents, but at this depth, the air that comes in cannot supply them at all, so even if they are third-level body training warriors with very good physical fitness, they will suffer a little bit. no more.

After all, breathing is very important for human beings. Although their strong physique allows them to go underwater, they can hold their breath much longer than ordinary people, but they cannot hold their breath all the time.

They were panting heavily, thinking a little bit in a daze.

If someone wants to deal with them here, they only need to block the ice cave tightly, and they can be wiped out in one go.

Of course, this is practically impossible.

Unless it is an immovable mountain used to block the ice cave, the distance of more than 1000 meters will not take tens of seconds for these third-tier warriors to run at full speed.

When coming down, the speed is slow, just to prevent something, and walk normally cautiously.

They glanced at Andre, seeing that the emperor had no intention of stopping, so they could only bite the bullet and continue walking down.

Anyway, when it is really difficult to breathe, they still have oxygen cylinders available on their bodies, and this is the standard for their travel tasks to carry everything they may need on their bodies.

For these powerful fighters, carrying something tens of kilograms or hundreds of catties with them is just an easy thing for an ordinary person to carry a few catties before the end of the world.

While gradually slowing down their breathing, the group descended more than a thousand meters.

All the people in the meeting had oxygen inhalers on their faces, and at the same time, they were walking, which stimulated the blood to activate in their bodies, so as to warm up their flesh and blood and resist the increasingly cold chill.

Yes, more than 2000 meters under the ice.

Because they are Tier [-] warriors, they are all shivering from the cold now. If it weren't for the demon blood and powerful bodies, their bones would probably be crackling.

(End of this chapter)

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