The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1881 Many Ice Soul Crystals

Chapter 1881 Many Ice Soul Crystals
The man who was the first to bear the brunt felt a chill all over his body, only to feel countless icy mist pouring on him, and quickly condensed into ice crystals covering his exposed face and hands.

If the man doesn't do anything and let it develop, it may not be long before he becomes an extra humanoid ice sculpture inside.

The man's blood boiled immediately, and the ice crystals covering his body quickly melted into water and dripped onto the ice surface. However, the water just dripped down and combined with the ice surface, and quickly turned into ice again.

So are others.

Even Andre felt a strong coldness at this time. He ran the demon blood and looked forward, only to see that this place was the size of a football field, and it might be more than that.

Because the light shining on the ice is refracted back, it will cause the illusion of the naked eye, and it is not sure whether the front is over or not.

But it's clearly a spacious resting place.

Andre looked to the side, at this look, Andre's pupil suddenly dilated, what is it? ?

And the others couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Oh my god, is this... Ice Soul Crystal???"

I saw ice-blue crystals with different edges and corners and different sizes growing on the ice.

The whole body is blue, and it looks like jade but not jade, like stone but not stone, and it seems to be solidified or flowing with water, which is in sharp contrast with other ice surfaces.

Immediately, a group of people anxiously removed a piece to look at it, and confirmed that it was really the Ice Soul Crystal.

"My lord, my lord, it's really an ice crystal. I've seen this thing before. It's really, and it's much bigger than the one I saw last time. No wonder it's so cold when I enter this place. So it's this thing. .”

Others were equally excited.

Ice Soul Cold Crystal, this is a good thing.

Of course, when they first saw this thing on Earth, they didn't know what it was for. They just thought that this thing was very beautiful, and at the same time, ordinary fire couldn't melt it at all, so it could be used as a special material to create something.

However, no one paid much attention to this thing at that time.

Until a person actually collected a lot of these ice soul crystals and used them to forge an ice sword. The effect was really amazing, not only the tip of the sword was as sharp as the strongest steel.

The icy coldness in the sword will often force the warrior's blood to stagnate, especially for low-level warriors, it can achieve the effect of freezing for a moment.

Even dealing with Tier [-] fighters can cause a slight delay in movement.

In a master fight, a delay of 0.001 seconds is fatal. Moreover, the special effects of this ice sword are also brilliant. It can achieve the effect of freezing a swimming pool, which looks awesome.

Therefore, this ice soul cold crystal has become a valuable thing in their eyes.

However, even though other countries are close to the North Pole, and there are many icebergs, such things as ice crystals are rare. You usually see some, and they are all very large, and they are hard to form.

But this place is full of ice, and at a glance, it is almost impossible to count how many pieces there are.

The crowd watched in amazement and ecstasy.

Quan Jiayun was also pleasantly surprised. She did not expect that there would be so many ice crystals growing here. Ice crystals were sold at a high price for just one piece at Ruyihui's auction. At that time, she I want to grab it.

But later, because of the small number and to slaughter Wuyue, she didn't get it either.

Now, there are so many in front of us.

Just as Quan Jiayun was looking at it in surprise, he heard the group of people sighing there: "Oh my God, there are so many ice crystals, this can make a lot of ice swords."

(End of this chapter)

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