Chapter 1882

Build an ice sword?
Quan Jiayun smiled lightly.

Although it is a very good idea to use ice crystals to build ice swords, but the biggest use of ice crystals is not this. Obviously they know the value of ice crystals, but they don't know its greater value.

Quan Jiayun stared at the ice crystals full of ice soul. Although his heart was moved, he was not in a hurry to snatch it, but turned to look around with keen eyes.

Since there are ice crystals in this cave, there must be something else.

Because such a deep ice cave cannot be formed naturally, and it is even more impossible for a road leading directly to the ice crystal to be given to you for nothing.

Ice soul crystals are the same as spirit stones, one is born in the place with the strongest cold energy, and the other is born in the place with the strongest spiritual energy.

Basically, such things are usually hidden deep underground and need to be mined by themselves, just like those spiritual stone mines, which are all stepped down by the great monks according to the spiritual veins, and then mined by the monks outside the sect.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to come out of a passage with a depth of nearly 3000 meters.

While Quan Jiayun looked at him, Andre also recovered from the surprise of seeing the ice crystal.

For him, although the Ice Soul Crystal is precious, it doesn't add much to his combat power, and it is definitely not what he wants most this time.

He continued to walk forward, carefully looking around, not letting go of every inch.

There must be something else! !

Otherwise, I would never tell him that there is an opportunity for him to advance to a higher level.

Take it a step further.

You must know that he is now at the pinnacle of the fourth-order realm, and he is already standing at the pinnacle of the world. Andre has asked people to investigate. Among the few major countries and bases that survive on the earth today, the highest is the existence of fourth-order warriors.

If he enters the fifth stage earlier than people all over the world.

Then he will be proud of the world.

At that time, not only will he be the great emperor of this land, he may also become the legendary figure in the records of later generations who defeated monsters, enslaved monsters, and dominated the world.

Yes, Andre's ambition is not just to conquer a country, to be a cornered emperor.

In his world, to be a man is to be vigorous, so that people dare not underestimate him.

Now that there is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in today's world, his ambition is to spread his sword to the whole world, and in the future he will counter-invade the alien planet where this monster exists! !
So, even though he heard that there was an unknown danger this time, he still came.

Andre walked forward along this ice soul cold crystal vein, and finally, when he reached the end of the ice soul cold crystal vein, Andre saw the fantasy flower on that piece of pure white transparent crystal wall.

Yes, Fantastic Flowers.

At first glance, I thought it was a flower carved out of ice.

If you look closely, you will find that this flower is unusually agile.

Although its branches, leaves and petals are crystal clear and look the same color as the ice surface, there seems to be water flowing in the pure white petals, and at the same time, almost Between the half-meter-long petals, wisps of blue fluorescence hover around the petals, making it even more extraordinary.

Moreover, the closer you get to this flower, the more you can smell the refreshing aroma, as if the pressure deep in the sea disappeared at this moment.

Andre's eyes lit up.

It must be what is foreshadowed! !

Although Andre didn't know what it was, his body instinct told him that it was a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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