The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1884 Ice Worm Reappearance

Chapter 1884 Ice Worm Reappearance
At that time, the Ice Spirit Flower was snapped up by several Nascent Soul monsters, and the auction price kept skyrocketing. Later, even when it was heard that there was an auction, these people fought outside.

At that time, she was only in the foundation building period, so naturally she didn't have the ability to snatch the ice spirit flower from the Nascent Soul old monster. She just watched and thought, and when she had the opportunity, she would also go to the frozen land to see if she could meet the ice spirit flower and pick it by herself one.

I didn't expect the opportunity to come now.

The one in front of me now is obviously much older than the previous Ice Spirit Flower.

From the petals it grows, it can be estimated that this ice spirit flower is at least 800 years old.

Quan Jiayun stared at the Ice Spirit Flower on the crystal wall, his eyes shone with the light of what he must win.

With this ice spirit flower.

She can advance to the perfection of the golden core stage, pointing directly to the Nascent Soul stage, and more importantly, she can also use this ice spirit flower to understand the meaning of ice here.

Quan Jiayun took Dugu on a trip, the biggest purpose of this trip was to practice a spell in the ice and snow land, and by the way, see if there is snow ganoderma in the ice and snow land, and pick a few back.

In the end, when she met Andre on the road, she hadn't seen any Snow Ganoderma lucidum yet.

Good things like Ice Spirit Flower and Ice Soul Crystal were delivered to her first. It seems that her decision to follow this person was very wise.

Quan Jiayun stared at the backs of Andre and his subordinate Simon, and glanced at the other people who were collecting ice crystals, still not rushing to do it, but carefully looked around.

She still trusts her previous judgment.

There must be something here.

But because she was in a small world, she couldn't reach out with her spiritual sense to scan carefully, so, with naked eyes alone, Quan Jiayun didn't see any danger in this snow-white land of ice crystals.

But she is in no hurry.

If she really made a mistake in her judgment, then it won't be too late for her to wait until they finish collecting.

In Quan Jiayun's silence, Andre, who was also bound to get the Ice Spirit Flower, stretched out his hand to pick the Ice Spirit Flower, but when his fingers touched it and wanted to remove the Ice Spirit Flower, .

Suddenly, a few ice spirit insects crawled out of the petals and onto Andre's hand. Seeing this thing, Andre quickly retracted his hand, shook it, and slapped it away like an ice surface.

Andre knew how terrifying this white and fat thing was, and it could easily get into his subordinate's head just now.

During his violent beating, none of these insects were shaken off, nor were they killed. The special liquid they secreted could make them stick firmly to Andre's hands, and at the same time, this liquid was corrosive. Sex, this resulted in that although Andre's body was very strong and his skin was very tough, these ice spirit insects still allowed a small part of his flesh to be drilled.

How could Andre easily get these things into his flesh and blood.

With a twitch of his left hand, he took out the flame gun and sprayed it at his hand. The temperature of the flame was not enough to burn his hand, but it was very effective against these ice spirit insects.

Sure enough, under such a high temperature, water on the surface of these ice spirit insects was melting, and some of them stubbornly wanted to drill inside, but the liquid secreted by the high temperature did not have such a good effect.

In the end, these ice spirit worms fell onto the ice surface one by one. Once they entered the ice, they burrowed into the ice layer almost instantly, becoming one with the ice, and could not be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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