The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1885 Ice Dragon Awakens

Chapter 1885 Ice Dragon Awakens
Andre now has no intention of chasing these ice spirit worms.

For him, picking this ice flower is the most important thing.

Andre motioned Simon to spray the ice on the ground with a flame gun, while he bypassed this area and went to get the ice elixir again.

But this time he was a lot more cautious, instead of reaching out to take it directly, he drew out his sword, and gently stroked the sides of the ice spirit flower, shaking it with the wind, to see if any ice spirit insects would come out.

Sure enough, with this movement, several ice spirit insects ran out from the white petals.

Andre threw it on the ground beside the fire, and tried to seduce it again. After doing this twice, he made sure that there were no ice spirit worms in it. Just when Andre was about to reach out to take it off.

At this moment, the ice surface shook violently.

Amidst the sound of countless ice explosions, everyone looked at their feet in astonishment, only to see huge cracks in the ice surface, collapsed and arched, as if the ice below was about to collapse. .

Seeing this situation, everyone opened their pupils and immediately ran to the passage of the ice cave.

Under the violent shaking of his feet, Andre flew into the air, stepped on the crystal wall next to him with his toes, stretched out his hand to take down the ice flower, and left.

In his extremely fast movements, faster than him is the icy sharp horn.

Although he didn't know what it was, these sharp horns made Andre feel dangerous instinctively. If he insisted on taking the Ice Spirit Flower, he would obviously be pierced through, so Andre grabbed the icicle above, Extremely quick transitions to avoid attacks.


Accompanied by loud roars that made people's eardrums buzz, and their body and mind felt frightened, at this time, the monster attacking Andrei completely rushed out of the ice and was fully displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing this beast, Quan Jiayun's eyes lit up, she did not guess that this ice spirit flower exists here, it really belongs to the guardian.

When everyone saw this beast, their eyes widened in horror, and they took a deep breath.

It was a giant ice dragon that was pure white and the same color as ice.

The icy sharp horns that attacked Andre just now are precisely the densely packed sharp horns on the top of this dragon's head. It is as thick as two or three meters as a whole, and the tail alone is tens of meters long.

Seeing this giant ice dragon, everyone suddenly understood how this ice cave came to be. Obviously, this ice cave, which is several kilometers long and penetrates deep into the ice, was dug out by this ice dragon. of.

Because the body of this dragon penetrated into this ice cave, there was just a little room, and the group of them stepped on the body of this ice dragon just now, but no one found the existence of this ice dragon, because It is really combined with ice.

Seeing this mighty and powerful ice dragon, everyone swallowed nervously. What level of monster is this? It doesn't look like a third-level monster at all.

And it's a monster like a dragon.

While everyone was nervous and horrified, Andre saw the giant ice dragon, and the pupil of the violet narrowed slightly. It was a fourth rank. Judging from the coercion emanating from this dragon, it was at least a fourth rank.

It seems that this ice dragon is the one that heralds his crisis on this trip.

Andre looked at this powerful ice dragon, and didn't show a trace of panic because of its appearance. Instead, he licked his lips, and his eyes shot out with burning fighting intent.

It's just a Tier [-] monster.

He is also fourth order.

It's not that there is no chance of winning.

He is bound to win this ice flower! !
(End of this chapter)

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