The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1886 The Might of the Ice Dragon

Chapter 1886 The Might of the Ice Dragon
During the momentary stagnation, Andre did not retreat to the ice cave passage, but clenched his fists, increased his speed to the fastest speed, and rushed towards the huge ice dragon brazenly. Crush this ice dragon.

The ice dragon's pair of ice blue eyes looked at the two feet rushing towards him, its head bowed down, and it opened its big mouth and suddenly spewed out a cloud of white mist, and Andre's body was instantly frozen. A thick layer of frost.

The cold air was so cold that Andre was so cold that his whole body was shivering. He immediately raised the temperature of his body, quickly shook off the frost, and wanted to change the route before attacking in close quarters.

However, although he thought so, the reality did not give him this chance.

The covering of frost made him slow for a moment, and during this slow time, the huge claws of the ice dragon descended from the sky and shot towards Andre, obviously wanting to shoot him to death.

Facing the giant claws that were strong enough to hold ten Andres, Andres did not dodge.

The martial artist fights over whose fists are harder and whose strength is stronger.

So his eyes lit up, and he felt that this was an opportunity delivered to him.

Andre stomped down heavily, and when the ice layer under his feet exploded like gravel bullets, sharp scales suddenly appeared on his right arm, and with this alienated arm, he shot at the huge claw of the ice dragon. Unleashed a brazen punch with his current limit strength.


With this punch, the air pressure here was distorted, and Andre's men, who were far away, felt as if the air had been sucked away at once, making one's scalp numb.

So strong! ! !

The emperor became stronger again.

Everyone was shocked at first, and then surprised.

It is a good thing for them that the emperor has become so strong, this punch is enough to destroy the ice dragon's claws.

Everyone watched with joy as the emperor's fist directly met the ice dragon's claw.


A sound like a bomb exploded was evoked. The sound wave alone caused many cracks to be opened in some ice layers around it. At the same time, the sound wave was accompanied by turbulent air waves.

The group of people next to them were blown away and closed their eyes for a moment.

Opening their eyes again, the joy in their eyes disappeared, because they saw that the ice dragon's claws were not broken as they thought.

On the contrary, most of the emperor's body fell into the ice layer. Seeing this scene, everyone felt cold all over and took a deep breath.

The great emperor's punch was so strong that it failed to explode the ice dragon's claws, but was crushed down instead. How strong is this ice dragon! ! !

All of a sudden, everyone felt a sense of retreat.

Such an ice dragon, how could they be their opponents.

Andre was also quite shocked. He was confident in his own strength. He thought that this ice dragon had the power of ice cold, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. Its body, which was made of ice, was also extremely hard. .

However, Andre would have no time to think about it.

Because the claws of the ice dragon slammed down on Andre's head again, it was almost impossible for Andre to jump up and avoid it, so he smashed the ice in front of him with a few quick punches, and leaped forward, Avoided the blow of the ice dragon.

At the same time, he ordered loudly: "Everyone attack it with flame guns."

Since power cannot be destroyed.

And what about fire, a lot of fire!

Everyone who was about to retreat, when they heard Andre's order, their minds were pulled back instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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