The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1887 Not an opponent

Chapter 1887 Not an opponent
They looked at the emperor who was moving quickly in the crushed ice to avoid the attack of the ice dragon, but they didn't dare to run, because although the emperor was at a disadvantage, no one was sure whether the emperor would die here.

If Andre had not died here, if they ran away at this time, it would be a tragic end to wait for them.

So, with just a thought, they quickly raised their flame guns, and as Andre ordered, they all shot at the ice dragon with flame guns.

Ten or twenty people fired flame guns at the same time, and the picture formed was still somewhat shocking. Bunches of faint blue and red lights formed a sea of ​​flames and rushed towards the ice dragon.

That light turned the pure white ice cave into a faint blue color, and also caused water splashes to appear outside the body of the ice dragon.

At the same time, Andre seized the opportunity he had created. Under the high temperature, he drew out the weapons inserted on both sides of his legs, and the whole body suddenly jumped high to the side of the ice dragon, holding two half-length With a short spear, he threw it fiercely at the ice dragon.

A throw straight into the ice dragon's mouth.

Throw it under the ice dragon's neck.

These two places are the weaknesses of most monsters.

Attacking here is obviously no problem.

However, Andre's short spear was made of the extremely sharp pincers of the third-tier stone turbid scorpion, which could easily pierce through the flesh of a third-tier warrior, leaving only a shallow mark under the ice dragon's neck.

As for the one that was thrown into the ice dragon's mouth, it was swung by the ice dragon's tail and thrown towards the group of people.

Because of the huge recoil force and its fast speed, a person who reacted a little slower was stabbed in the left chest by the short spear, and retreated a few steps in embarrassment, and spurted a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this scene, Andre's pupils shrank.

Only at this moment did he clearly realize that this ice dragon was more terrifying than he expected!It is true that fire is his weakness, but the fire in the flame gun is not enough to soften the skin of the ice dragon, nor can it melt the ice dragon.

During Andre's pause, the ice dragon was obviously completely irritated by these two-legged beasts.

The ice-blue longan's eyes were full of mania. This group of damned humans not only woke it up from its slumber, but also wanted to steal its most important treasure.

Eat it, it will eat them all.

Regardless of the flames, the ice dragon opened its mouth wide and spewed snow-white cold air at Andre.

At that moment, the temperature of the flame dropped a lot. At the same time, the ice dragon slammed its tail and hit Andre, so that Andre could only passively parry.

"My lord, should you retreat first?"

Someone asked Andre loudly for instructions.

Andre also knew that this would be the right situation to retreat, but he didn't get the ice flower, so how could he be willing to retreat like this.

Who knows if the ice dragon will eat the ice flower after he leaves.

Andre stared at the ice dragon, his eyes flickering.

Even if he wanted to retreat, he had to pick off the ice flowers before returning.

However, this ice dragon is there, completely blocking the way to pick the ice flowers. If you want to pick them, you must lure this ice dragon away and let it chase other people, so he can take advantage of it.

And how to make it go after other people?
While blocking the ice dragon's attack, Andre's mind was spinning rapidly, only to let the others bleed and let the ice dragon focus on them.

At the moment, Andre shouted: "Pull out the short spear and give it to me. In addition, everyone will go forward 15 meters to me and burn it at close range. Simon, you go to the left side..."

(End of this chapter)

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