Chapter 1888
In Andre's order, although some people were afraid of the ice dragon, they had to bite the bullet.

Especially the man who got hit by the short spear in the middle was even worse. It was fine when he didn't pull out the short spear, but a lot of blood gushed out immediately after pulling out the short spear, and it couldn't be stopped.

Smelling the rich smell of fresh blood, the ice dragon breathed heavily in an instant, and a strong light appeared in the ice blue eyes.

It has been sleeping for a long time. Although it did not evolve entirely by eating monsters, monsters are also a great tonic for it, so its appetite is completely stimulated.

Andre noticed this keenly.

He was overjoyed, and then in the formation of troops, he used his subordinates as cannon fodder, eager to find an opportunity for him to steal the ice flower.

However, no matter how he tried to lure him, even sacrificing two of his subordinates, the ice dragon just didn't reveal a gap for him to jump over.

If a person is dead, it swallows it in two clicks, and there is not enough time.

If a person is injured and runs from the passage, it will not chase it at all.

Only now did Andre realize that this ice dragon had an IQ, rather than a purely stupid beast. Obviously, its goal was to protect the ice flower first.

So from its appearance to now, no matter how tempted it is, it only moves its tail, head, and claws, and its core position has not moved.

To be honest, if the ice dragon didn't stay in place, but let go of the attack, his subordinates would probably all be dead, because even now, his subordinates are struggling to survive. up.

If you continue, it will be a matter of time before your subordinates die.

Although Andre didn't feel distressed when his subordinate died, but for him, he couldn't find a breakthrough point if he persisted like this.

So, in order to test whether the ice dragon really only cared about the ice flower, Andre decided to retreat in an all-round way, to see if the ice dragon would chase it or not, and then decide what to do next.


With Andre's order, the people who had already wanted to retreat were overjoyed. At that moment, a group of people ran wildly along the passage.

The ice dragon looked at the direction the group was fleeing, slapped its claws on the ice a few times, and roared angrily a few times, but it didn't chase it out, but turned its head to look at its baby.

Seeing this, the ice dragon was furious.

I saw that the ice spirit flower on the crystal wall disappeared at some point, only the residual fragrance of the ice spirit flower was left there, and because of this fragrance just now, the ice dragon in the fierce battle with Andre and his party did not I noticed that the Bing Linghua was gone.

Damn humans! ! ! !

The ice dragon slapped its tail on the ice, spread its breath and sniffed the surroundings vigorously, and confirmed that the ice spirit flower was really not here. The furious ice dragon flicked its tail and chased towards the front of the ice cave at a very fast speed. and go.

Ahead, Andre, who had retreated hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, heard the sound of no pursuit from behind, and immediately ordered: "Stop, that ice dragon is not chasing."

Everyone felt very bitter when they heard this order.

Didn't the emperor still want to fight the ice dragon? ?

But even if the emperor is so strong, there is no chance of defeating the ice dragon. At that moment, someone made a suggestion: "Emperor, should we go back to the ship to get..."

The man hadn't finished speaking.

There was a rumbling sound below the ice cave, and the entire passage began to vibrate. At the same time, the sound was getting closer and closer, and everyone suddenly opened their eyes wide.

"My lord, it seems that the ice dragon is charging towards us."

(End of this chapter)

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