The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1893 Ice Blade Storm

Chapter 1893 Ice Blade Storm
She doesn't want to depend too much on the small world.

It is not a good thing to rely too much on something, because if you lose the small world, it will become a waste that is at a loss.

Quan Jiayun's dantian's golden elixir turned, and the next second, her Xinghe sword appeared in her hand.

Holding the Xinghe sword in her hand, she thrust the Xinghe sword into the ice, injected a large amount of water spiritual power, and stimulated the ice-cold restriction inside.

At the same time, as soon as Jianjue said aloud, countless three-foot-long ice swords flew out of the surrounding space.

These ice swords are all condensed from ice slag and cold air from this place. The entire blade is only as thick as a finger, but the transparent blade is extremely condensed, shining with an incomparably sharp cold light, and there are as many as ten thousand handles densely packed.

In another place, Quan Jiayun would not be able to condense so many ice swords, because it would consume a lot of water and spiritual power, and it also requires a very high level of personal consciousness.

However, the special environment here created the speed at which she condensed these ice swords.

After all, it's full of icicles and cold.

Moreover, she can also use the ice soul crystal.

That's why she condensed ten thousand ice swords in one go. However, ten thousand is the limit of her spiritual consciousness in two lifetimes. No matter how many there are, she will not be able to condense them.

Andre looked at so many ice swords blocking the opponent's figure and surrounding him, his pupils shrank slightly, staring at these ice swords closely, and prepared to deal with them.

Because he had never seen such an attack method.

Quan Jiayun opened his mouth, stared at the front and said, "Go."

The [-] ice swords all contained a trace of Quan Jiayun's spiritual consciousness, and were controlled by Quan Jiayun's spiritual control technique. Therefore, at Quan Jiayun's command, the [-] ice swords shot towards Andre.

This lasing is not aimless shooting.

Instead, Quan Jiayun transformed Andre into a trap surrounded by sword formations, layer by layer, forming a huge storm of ice sword blades, which was both cold from ice and windy. violent.

Feeling the icy cold force, Andre snorted coldly: "That's it, I want to trap and kill me."

Andre exploded, clenched his fist, and punched these ice swords.


He shattered nearly a thousand ice swords with one punch, but these destroyed ice swords did not just fall down. In the circulation and shaking of the sword array, these ice swords were condensed again, still One of these ice blade storms.

"I still don't believe it."

Andre came faster with a punch than a punch.

For Quan Jiayun, who was controlling the ice sword and rapidly collecting the ice crystals, it was indeed a great pressure, a pressure to exercise her spiritual consciousness.

But Quan Jiayun likes this kind of feeling, just like she tenses up her nerves and concentrates on refining tools and alchemy.

Every second of persistence can feel that the spiritual consciousness is more pure and more condensed.

This sleepiness made Andre sleepy for 3 minutes.

Andre had never felt so aggrieved before. These ice swords were said to be sharp, but they could only make a small cut in his skin, which could not endanger his life.

So Andre tried to rush out with these ice blades.

But there are too many of these ice blades, and when gathered together, the power of ice cold is too strong.

If he rushes forcefully, the ice blades will block him in front of him, and his whole body will freeze so that his blood will become cold. Once the blood cools, his whole body will be sluggish, forcing him to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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