The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1894 Buried Andre

Chapter 1894 Buried Andre

If he smashed the ice blade in front of him with his fist and rushed forward, the shattered ice blade would be replaced immediately without any reduction, and the storm circle of the blade still existed and was not broken.

After several times of entanglement like this, the result was that even though he smashed countless ice blades, he was still trapped in the ice blade storm for 3 minutes.

During these 3 minutes, he only rushed forward for a distance of ten meters, and could only faintly see the shadow of the color of the girl's clothes, which made Andre look even more furious.

He thought that when he went out to catch this girl, he would definitely torture her on the bed.

However, Andre's thoughts are doomed to be a dream. In the past 3 minutes, Quan Jiayun has collected all the ice soul crystals in this area at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as the ice soul cold crystal was collected, Quan Jiayun had no intention of nostalgia for this place.

She pulled out the Xinghe sword, looked at Andre who was about to rush out of the ice blade storm, and said with an evil smile on the corner of her mouth: "Andre, you can enjoy the feeling of being buried alive! Your beauty I want it all."

As Quan Jiayun said, his figure flickered, and he chose an excellent position. He raised his sword, injected a lot of spiritual power, and slashed upwards fiercely with the sword glow.

This sword penetrated tens of meters into the ice layer above, and with the sound of crackling and roaring, the entire ice cave vibrated.

Immediately after the next second, the ice layer above Crash La La collapsed like a mountain and fell down.

When it fell, a large amount of whole ice happened to separate her from Andre.

One is inside the ice cave and one is outside the ice cave.

Andre had just escaped from the ice blade storm, looking at the huge ice in front of him, thinking of what she said just now, the veins on his head twitched, she had so many tricks.

However, because of this, Andre was sure that the opponent had many tricks and did not have the ability to kill him.

Andre felt a little more at ease.

He punched a huge hole in the ice layer and got out.

On the other side, after Quan Jiayun split the ice to pieces, her figure didn't stay for even a moment. She, who was dressed in orange clothes, fled towards the ice cave like a ray of orange light at an extremely fast speed.

During this time of escaping, Quan Jiayun was not idle, she slashed while escaping.

As for the ice cave that was dug out by the ice dragon at the beginning, it was not too narrow, but now it was completely buried by the falling ice. When she said that she would bury him, she was not talking about it.

Of course, the ice sank and blocked the ice cave.

But Andre was not crushed to death by the falling ice. After all, his body was strong enough, but the feeling of being tightly covered by the ice layer was not pleasant. affected.

Andre punched an ice hole in the direction of his memory and walked through it.

But because Quan Jiayun kept chopping in front of him, the ice cave was almost completely destroyed. Andre passed through smoothly for a while at first, but not long after, he got lost under the ice layer direction, and the winding ice cave passage that once existed could not be found.

No, here.

No, it's over here.

When Andre was wrong no matter how he walked, he finally lost his composure, smashing the ice and roaring angrily.

"Ahhh... Quan Jiayun, just wait for me!"

Because Quan Jiayun's spiritual consciousness was fully expanded, she faintly heard this angry roar.

Hearing this voice, the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

If Andre is lucky and finds the right direction, or keeps digging as hard as he can, he will still see the light of day. If Andre is unlucky and does not work hard enough, then once trapped in the ice for a long time No matter how strong his body is, it will be enough to freeze him into a perfect ice sculpture.

(End of this chapter)

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