The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1913 Transforming Anton

Chapter 1913 Transforming Anton

And even if he could speak, Quan Jiayun would not listen patiently.

No matter what he has, it can't stop her from wanting to clean up his heart at this moment. As for what is really in her hands, what else is not hers.

Quan Jiayun smashed the opponent again heavily.

When Anton was hit hard again, Quan Jiayun pulled out Binghua's fingers from his neck, grabbed her Xinghe sword from the five holes in his neck, and slashed at the opponent's legs.

Now the Xinghe Sword, which has become a treasure, is already extremely sharp. At this time, Quan Jiayun hooked the ice restraint inside again, and Shua, Anton's legs were chopped off by Qi Shengsheng with a single sword strike.

Anton, who was already cold all over his body, suffered from this pain, and let out a hoarse breath miserably, his eyes went black again in pain.

But he didn't lose consciousness.

Because it was only the legs that were broken, not the fatal heart.

Moreover, because Quan Jiayun applied the ice technique, the blood was frozen at the broken part of his legs at this time, and there was no large amount of blood gushing out. As a third-level warrior, he would want to lose consciousness for a while. impossible……

In the blackened pain in front of his eyes, Anton thought in fear, was his leg really chopped off?

No, it must not be true.

In severe pain, Anton propped up his hands and looked at his legs. When he saw this, he shook his head violently.

"no no!!!"

A hoarse and unpleasant sound came out of his throat, Quan Jiayun looked at his shocked and painful appearance, opened five fingers, and Anton, who had lost his legs, flew into her fingers, only a little broken leg was shaking in mid-air, Like a poor worm.

Anton's face turned pale, and he looked at Quan Jiayun in horror.

At this moment, he was really afraid of this girl.


Just as he was about to speak, Quan Jiayun's figure flickered, and he came to a rickshaw in the distance in an instant. The noble in that carriage was looking at this side.

Because of Quan Jiayun's arrival, he jumped out of the carriage in fright, and the subordinates around the carriage also hurried away.

Quan Jiayun didn't care about the people who ran away.

With a slash of her sword, she easily cut off the chains that couldn't be broken by warriors below the third rank.

It was a man who had been chained for several years. He was free suddenly and fell to the ground. Quan Jiayun kicked the man to the side and threw Anton to the ground.

At this moment, Anton had guessed what she was going to do.

The hairs all over his body stood on end, ignoring the seriously injured throat, Anton said with trembling rough voice, "No, no... I can..."

Before I could, the sword in Quan Jiayun's hand had cut through his clothes and the skin on his back.

Anton still wanted to yell, but he couldn't yell anymore. Just now, when he yelled vigorously, his throat was completely broken. After a while, it was impossible to speak again.

Without Anton's noisy voice, Quan Jiayun followed his scratched flesh, like performing an operation, and quickly peeled off the skin and flesh of his back to both sides, exposing the most important back that belongs to the human body.

In this pain, Anton's face was covered with painful sweat, which made him feel that the pain was not just physical pain, but the coming humiliation.

He struggled in grief and anger, trying in vain to break free from Quan Jiayun's hand.

But he had already lost his legs, and his blood was half cooled by Quan Jiayun, how could he have the strength to break free.

Quan Jiayun's hand continued, she stretched out her hand, took the chain, and fastened the chain tightly to his back.

(End of this chapter)

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