The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1914 Give you a toy

Chapter 1914 Give you a toy

At this moment, Anton looked at the blurred and clear figures in the distance, and saw their expressions looking at him, two lines of blood and tears welled up in his eye sockets.

There was no moment when Anton wished so much that he would lose consciousness. If he was not conscious at this moment, he would not be able to clearly perceive all the pain.

Humiliated in the street!

ah ah ah ah...

Anton howled indistinctly, like a crazy beast, and punched him on the neck with both hands, trying to make himself faint.

But Quan Jiayun would not allow it, she simply cut off his two hands, but not at the arm, but at the middle of the hand, leaving him with a part limb.

With his limbs gone, Anton couldn't even jump up, and his whole body was extremely weak.

Quan Jiayun brushed the flesh on his back, without stitching it up, Quan Jiayun directly took out the healing medicine liquid she made and dripped it on it, adding wood healing spells.

Soon Anton's back healed.

However, compared to just now, there is an extra black chain linking the car on his back below the cervical spine.

Quan Jiayun put Anton on the ground, squeezed his mouth, and threw another pill into Anton's mouth. Anton didn't know what it was, but he couldn't resist.

He could only be forced to open his mouth wide and let her drop the medicine.

The medicinal power of the elixir quickly flowed down Anton's sore throat. Instead of the pain he imagined, he felt a warm and comfortable feeling in his body.

This elixir is a good thing, it can make Anton's frozen limbs heal quickly.

In this way, he cannot die, and he will live to bear such a crime.

After doing all this well, Quan Jiayun looked at Anton who has been transformed now, and said with a smile: "Don't you like to transform others, you must be very satisfied with everything I transformed for you."

Anton looked at the devil in front of him, panting heavily.

The eyes are full of resentment, but more of fear and pain.

On this street in full view of everyone, she cut off all his limbs and remodeled him. Even if he was rescued later and could get his severed limbs back, such a shame would be imprinted in his whole life and wiped out. They can't be erased.

ah ah ah ah...

How can there be such a lunatic! ! !

Where did she come from! !

Seeing his painful appearance, Quan Jiayun sneered and said, "Still following you."

She leaned close to his face, looked at him indifferently with her dark eyes, and said to him coolly: "You know, even if you, Emperor Andre, were in front of me, you wouldn't dare to talk to me like this."

If Andre had been more presumptuous on the boat, and wanted to transform her like he did, she would not have just buried Andre alive under the ice.

It is absolutely necessary to kill the opponent no matter what.

After saying this, Quan Jiayun threw Anton on the ground like trash, turned his head to look at the battle on the other side, and the battle on the other side had come to an end.

Under the attack of Dugu and Xiao Hui, the corpses were already lying on the ground.

Quan Jiayun looked at the blond girl who had lost her legs and was trembling in the distant air, her eyes flickered.

This is the woman she specially told Dugu not to kill.

In the next second, her figure flashed and immediately caught the girl.

When the girl saw that she was captured by Quan Jiayun, her face couldn't maintain the previous indifference, and she trembled, let alone attacking Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun smiled at her and said, "Don't be afraid, I will give you a toy."

 Recommend a book, title: "Back to 90s: Bai Fumei's Cultivation Diary"

  Author: An Zhiyao

  [Overhead Su Shuangwen] Teacher: Students, what is your ideal?
  Gu Jiarui: Be a rich and beautiful woman, marry a rich and handsome man, and reach the pinnacle of life from then on.

  Teacher and students: "..."

  Go ahead and make your dream come true.

  Who knows, Gu Jiarui is serious.Rebirth, these are all necessary!Everything starts from the doll, and starting today, she will start her cultivation of Bai Fumei:

  Tu Feiyuan's scumbag turned into a school goddess, led her parents to make a fortune, established her own business empire, and became the queen of entertainment sought after by thousands of people... Accidentally, Gu Jiarui became the supreme Bai Fumei.

  Reporter: Miss Gu, do you want to marry a wealthy family?

  Gu Jiarui smiled proudly: No!I don't need to marry.Because I am wealthy.

  A certain handsome CEO who is so handsome (close) together (hugs) and angry (legs) immediately bullies his upper body: Marry me, baby!
  Gu Jiarui: Ugly refuse.

  A certain CEO smiled coquettishly: Then, it's fine if I marry you.


(End of this chapter)

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