The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1944 Who Are You?

Chapter 1944 Who Are You?

Li Ge said as he kicked Roxy on the ground and said, "You can deal with it as you see fit."

Quan Jiayun glanced at the seriously injured man on the ground, looked at Li Ge with a smile in his eyes, and said, "As the saying goes, you should look at him with admiration after three days, and Warden Li is really admirable. So handy."

Quan Jiayun never disliked this man.

Although she pursued and confessed to her, she didn't stalk her so much that she hated her. She also found the other party interesting in prison at that time.

So seeing him now, she was also somewhat pleasantly surprised.

Especially now that the other party has become so much stronger, it is even more worthy of her high regard.

After all, when I first met him, he hadn't entered the third rank at that time, and he was promoted after she got out of prison. Now the other party is obviously already in the late third rank, and his Qi refining cultivation base has also established a foundation.

Especially when he sparred against Roxie, he combined gold magic with body training, making his fists like magic weapons, and obtained the effect of one plus one greater than two.

This can be regarded as a useful innovation.

Hearing her praise, Li Ge's mood immediately became high, like suddenly drinking ice-cold soda in summer, it felt so refreshing, and made him happier than anyone else's praise.

He looked at her and replied: "I have today, and this is also your credit. If you hadn't taught me how to open the spiritual veins in prison, I might not have chosen to practice Qi for a long time."

If he didn't choose to refine qi, he wouldn't be able to practice metal-based exercises.

Without practicing metal-based exercises, he would not be able to combine metal-based spells with himself, and this qi-refining exercise was also provided by her, so it is not wrong to say that it is her credit.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "There is no need to flatter me, you have the most credit for being here today."

In the beginning when she provided the cultivation method, she did not only provide it to one person, but not everyone can be like Li Ge, so it is only because of his own efforts that he can achieve today.

She has no interest in taking credit.

From her point of view, he probably had his own opportunity to achieve what he is today.

Quan Jiayun didn't ask about this.

Instead, he asked with great interest: "Let's talk about it now. Seeing that you are familiar with this lord named Xi, your status is not low. What is it? The lord? Or the general of the military department?" ?”

If someone else asks, Li Ge's status as the lord of the party can be considered a big shot, and he can tell the status, but in front of her, Li Ge is not complacent about this status.

He looked at her and said, "Stop teasing me, I'm just a lord, it's nothing to you."

He knew that in her eyes, the position of the lord was definitely not enough. Thinking back then, as a first-year-old, she could dominate the crowd in the prison without fearing him or Si Chengtian.

Now, she has become stronger, and she can overwhelm two knight orders with her own strength, and the strength of a battalion, how can she be regarded as the lord.

Li Ge is quite clear about this.

When Quan Jiayun heard that the other party knew her well, she smiled happily and said, "I have nothing to say when you say that. In fact, the lord is pretty good. You don't need to be so self-effacing, and..."

Quan Jiayun's eyeballs moved, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at him brightly: "The position of lord can also be promoted, can't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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