The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1945 Do you mind the relationship between master and apprentice?

Chapter 1945 Do you mind the relationship between master and apprentice?
When Li Ge met her star-like eyes, his heart was agitated.

Yes, the position of lord can advance, which is exactly what he is working hard for now.

However, he is indeed not humble now.

Because he understands a little bit, although he doesn't know where Si Chengtian is now, but he thinks that Si Chengtian must be better than him.

As long as Si Chengtian is better than him, his achievements are not enough.

He must be stronger and stronger! ! !
This is the belief that has driven him for a long time.

Of course, Li Ge didn't say this, he shook his head with a smile and said: "That's all for the future, let's not talk about it for now."

As he spoke, he glanced at Dugu who was standing upright beside him, and asked the question he wanted to ask before.

"Don't know who this is?"

Li Ge was quite curious about this person's identity. From the video to now, he did not see Si Chengtian appearing. Instead, a man he had never seen before followed her. He was quite handsome, so he had to think about it.

Quan Jiayun followed his gaze to look at Dugu, and casually introduced: "My apprentice Dugu."

Dugu slightly nodded towards Li Ge as a signal.

Hearing this, Li Ge's eyes flashed slightly.

Apprentice, it turned out to be only an apprentice!
Hearing this answer, for a moment Li Ge didn't know whether he was happy or disappointed.

Probably still complicated.

On the one hand, he was happy that the other party was just an apprentice and had no emotional entanglements with her.

On the other hand, if this person is really Quan Jiayun's new boyfriend, it means that Si Chengtian never captured her heart, which means that she may be in a window of time at any time, so he also has a chance.

However, it is an apprentice.

Li Ge suppressed the complicated and unspeakable emotions in his heart, but he smiled with his unique scorn in a hearty way: "So you have already accepted apprentices, and I also want to worship you as a teacher. I don't know if you can accept me or not." Take it."

Seeing his skinny appearance, Quan Jiayun teased him with a half-smile: "Accept it, why don't you accept it, but I dare to accept it, do you dare to kneel to me?"


Li Ge's face froze, he didn't expect her to answer like this.

However, it reminded him of the feeling of never knowing what would happen next second when he was with her, and always being pleasantly surprised.

Li Ge stared at her brightly, without thinking too much, and instinctively said a rogue-like thing: "Dare, why not, as long as you don't mind the form of love between master and apprentice."

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the room.

Dugu looked at this handsome man who was obviously of mixed race, and his face twitched slightly.

It turned out that this man was actually Master's admirer, and he said the man's excited face when he saw Master.

No surprise, no surprise at all.

Dugu only sighed for this poor man.

Falling in love with her master is destined to be emotionally hurt, but not everyone is General Si, and even if it is General Si, he sometimes worries that General Si will be dumped by his master one day.

Because this is very similar to what his master can do.

It's not like he was speaking ill of the master, the master had nothing to say to these disciples, and the master was indeed a very attractive woman, which he had never seen in his life.

But the master is too strong and terrifying, it will only create pressure on him.

Anyway, besides admiring his master, he dared not have extraneous thoughts about men and women at all, so instead, he admired these men who dared to like the master, these are extraordinary men.

How dare you like Master! !

(End of this chapter)

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