Chapter 1962
After all, this matter is related to Quan Jiayun's valued relative, and Si Chengtian can't accurately judge what the situation is, so he must notify her urgently to let her know about it.

Let's see if she can know what the situation is based on her experience and how to save it. After all, if something happens too late, Si Chengtian can't bear it.

And what is that kind of bug, is it a Gu bug?

After Quan Jiayun heard all of Si Chengtian's narration, his eyes narrowed slightly.

What happened to Quan Zhengcheng now, before she saw the person, she couldn't judge now, but she must have been subjected to evil methods, and some methods of evil cultivation can completely control a person.

As for the worm, it sounds a bit like the ice worm she encountered on the glacier. In the end, the worm got into the warrior's brain, causing the warrior to die on the spot.

However, although the situation is very similar, before seeing the bug, Quan Jiayun still can't accurately determine whether it is, it is possible that it is also a kind of man-made Gu worm.

Quan Jiayun's eyes flashed, he squeezed the chalcedony in his hand, and facing the silent waiting side, he didn't say anything else first, but said with serious eyes: "How is the injured throat, can I talk?"

Because he used divine sense sound transmission before, she didn't notice anything wrong.

Si Chengtian was waiting for her analysis, when he heard such a caring word, his heart seemed to be soaked in a warm pool, making his whole body warm up.

A smile flashed in his dark eyes, and he said via voice transmission: "Well, I've gotten better after taking the medicine."

After the sound transmission, he opened his mouth and said, "Listen, you can already speak."

Quan Jiayun heard it. Although his voice was extremely hoarse and he spoke slowly, it could be heard that he was gradually recovering. With his self-healing ability, it would take about half a day for him to recover.

Quan Jiayun asked again: "Where's the head?"

Si Chengtian replied: "It's much better."

After finishing speaking, Si Chengtian added: "However, I'm still a little dizzy, and now I'm leaning on the sofa to contact you."

In the past, Si Chengtian never yelled for pain, and he had to hold on to everything, not to mention a little dizziness, even if the pain was so painful that he was about to lose consciousness, he would not cry out for pain, showing weakness to anyone.

But after being with Quan Jiayun, Si Chengtian also knew how to show weakness in front of her.

Quan Jiayun is not another dodder woman, she is strong and beautiful, in front of her, he doesn't have to act so strong all the time, but showing weakness can make her gentler.

So Si Chengtian was so weak that he didn't have any burden in his heart. In his opinion, this was a manifestation of intimacy. Of course, he didn't lie on purpose. He did have some discomfort in his head. He was leaning on the sofa. , He just said what he usually didn't say.

Quan Jiayun has been in the state before the storm since listening to Si Chengtian's narration. Now that she heard his answer, an extremely dangerous smile slowly formed on the corner of her mouth.

Well, Tai Sui broke ground on his head, and it actually moved on her man's head.

Her man, if she wanted to bully her, she could only bully her.

Others do not yet qualify.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said slowly: "It doesn't matter, we will remember what you suffered today, don't worry, after I come back, I will seek justice for you, and I will definitely let the people behind the scenes repay you a hundred times."

(End of this chapter)

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