The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1963 Waiting for you to come and ask me for justice

Chapter 1963 Waiting for you to come back and ask me for justice

Even after thousands of miles away, Si Chengtian could still hear the dangerous and bloody meaning in these words.

Pay back a hundredfold! !

For her, this is definitely not a comforting empty talk, she absolutely did what she said, Si Chengtian remembered that she had massacred the Jiang family, except for the old and weak, women and children, she was not merciless at all.

A hundred times, it is hard for Si Chengtian to imagine what will happen to the person behind the scenes.

After all, apart from extorting confessions and torture, Si Chengtian basically would not deliberately torture people even in the face of very cruel villains. He simply killed people with a single knife, so he couldn't imagine.

However, regarding what might happen, Si Chengtian would not pity the other party, nor would he feel that Quan Jiayun was too vindictive,
The so-called people do not offend me, I do not offend others.

The other party used Quan Zhengcheng to kill him, so he should be mentally aware.

Therefore, when he heard Quan Jiayun's words, he was [-]% happy. She was angry because of him and wanted to stand up for him and protect him. How could he not be happy.

He was so happy that Si Chengtian's eyes became slightly warm.

Except for his parents who unconditionally protected him and stood up for him when he was a child, she was the third person who stood up for him.

Of course, this is not to say that Si Chengtian has not met people who care about him and treat him well in recent years, but for others, Si Chengtian who has always been ahead of others is the embodiment of strength, and he can handle everything by himself.

No one has the consciousness to stand up for him, subconsciously think that he is unnecessary, and everyone has always relied on him.

Only she told him, don't worry, when she comes back, she will seek justice for you.

One can imagine the impact on Si Chengtian's heart.

This is a memory that is precious enough for Si Chengtian to remember.

Si Chengtian's eyes were filled with water-colored mist, and he said with a smile on his handsome face, "Okay, I'll get justice for you when you come back."

Si Chengtian said these words directly, and the voice that came over was simply gentle, hoarse and full of affection.

Quan Jiayun's nerves froze when he heard it, and the dark and dangerous aura surrounding him couldn't help but decrease a little.

Quan Jiayun was about to reply when suddenly, she raised her eyelids and looked towards the door of the warehouse.

There, Li Ge opened the door and walked in at this moment, looking at Quan Jiayun's eyes, Li Ge immediately realized that Quan Jiayun at this moment is a little different.

He knew that she was unparalleled in beauty, but at this moment, this beauty had a thrilling and very dangerous flavor, as if an angel had suddenly put on her fallen angel wings.

It was a murderous aura, a murderous aura that hadn't dissipated yet.

For such a dangerous and charming woman, Li Ge's heart speeded up uncontrollably. He looked at her beautiful under the light, his eyes flickered slightly, and he was puzzled and puzzled.

Who is she murderous towards?
You must know that it is very rare for her to be murderous. Even if she walks with him tonight, kills so many people, and completes this coup d'état, she does not have any murderous intent on her body.

Li Ge glanced around subconsciously.

However, there was no one else in this huge warehouse except her, so how could she suddenly have a murderous look?In doubt, Li Ge glanced at the jade in her hand, and opened his mouth as if he didn't know anything.

"How did you choose? Is there anything you like?"

Quan Jiayun has restrained all her killing intent now, she held the chalcedony and said: "I haven't chosen it yet, don't touch me, I'll finish the phone call first."

(End of this chapter)

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