The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1964 You are worthless

Chapter 1964 You are worthless

After Quan Jiayun finished speaking, he didn't shy away from Li Ge's presence, and said to Si Chengtian: "I'll be leaving tomorrow, and you should take care of him first, so that he doesn't hurt you, and we'll talk about it when I come back. During this period, keep in touch at any time."

"it is good."

When Si Chengtian heard that she was coming back tomorrow, he was naturally happy.

However, he was a little concerned about the man who spoke just now, he heard the male voice over there.

All of a sudden, he didn't remember who it was.

However, there was a vaguely familiar feeling to this voice, as if he had heard it somewhere before, so the problem came up, the male voice he had heard was with Quan Jiayun at this time.

Although Si Chengtian knew very well that Jiayun would definitely not mess around outside.

After all, it was so difficult for him to have a lover relationship in the beginning. If she wanted to mess around, she would not agree to him at the beginning. Obviously, in her eyes, having a relationship is different from not having a relationship.

And after getting along for so long, he also understands her behavior. When there is no relationship, it goes without saying. After the relationship is established, she will never have an affair with other men before she gets rid of him.

However, although it is clear intellectually, the sentence of how well that man was chosen is really a bit intimate, making Si Chengtian jealous.

However, before Si Chengtian could ask, Quan Jiayun asked first.

"By the way, did you hear that male voice just now?"

Li Ge was trying to figure out who she was telling, but when he heard this, his eyes flickered, and Si Chengtian over there also flicked his eyes and replied: "I heard it."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said again: "Then is there anything you want to say?"

Si Chengtian originally wanted to ask, but when he heard her ask, he directly expressed the doubts in his heart: "It doesn't sound like Dugu's voice, but it sounds familiar to me, as if I've heard it somewhere, I saw it People who have been there, right?"

Quan Jiayun glanced at Li Ge, and replied: "That's right, it is indeed someone you have met, not only have you met, but it should be a subordinate you admired more before."

Hearing this, Li Ge already realized who she was notifying.

Si Chengtian.

Li Ge's hand in his trouser pocket tightened, and his heart ached.

On the other side, Si Chengtian frowned, but he didn't react immediately.


Quan Jiayun directly announced the answer: "That warden, remember."

When Si Chengtian heard this, there was still something he didn't understand.

He said, "Li Ge?"

Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows and snorted: "Hmm, it's him, now he's a lord, and you're still a general if you're worthless."

Li Ge was not happy when he heard this sentence that seemed to praise him, because it was obvious that this sentence could tell the closeness.

On the other side, after getting her confirmation, Si Chengtian's eyes flickered involuntarily.

Of course he knew about Li Ge's resignation and his departure. He didn't expect that the person who had disappeared for a long time would appear in the distant area and become a lord, and even meet Quan Jiayun again.

For a moment, Si Chengtian was a little bit suspicious. He remembered that Li Ge had once pursued Quan Jiayun in a very high-profile manner.

Of course, Si Chengtian never threatened the other party, because he knew very well that what he wanted to impress was Quan Jiayun, and it had nothing to do with other men, he just needed to do what he was supposed to do.

As for other people liking Quan Jiayun, this is something he can't stop, even now Li Ge still hasn't forgotten Jiayun, this only shows that she is good enough, he should feel proud.

(End of this chapter)

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