The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1966 It's up to you

Chapter 1966 It's up to you
Si Chengtian said helplessly and pamperingly: "Others are also a lord anyway, and you mention the old lord, isn't it intentional to poke other people's hearts and bully them?"

Quan Jiayun said arrogantly: "I just bullied you, why, your heart hurts."

In charge of the dark line of the sky.

"What nonsense."

Quan Jiayun giggled.

Si Chengtian said: "Okay, it's late at night, what else do you have to deal with quickly, I'll check on Uncle Quan's situation, and if there is any bad news, I will contact you immediately."

"it is good."

Quan Jiayun cut off the sound transmission of the teleportation array, put the chalcedony into the pocket of her jacket, and then, she glanced outside, but she didn't call Li Ge in, but picked out again in the warehouse by herself.

Sure enough, besides some monster materials, Quan Jiayun also found some good things.

Quan Jiayun accepted her space unceremoniously.

When Quan Jiayun plundered wantonly, Li Ge, who had already calmed down after smoking three cigarettes outside, sprayed his mouth with fresh breath spray, and then returned to the warehouse.

He looked at the figure selected by Quan Jiayun, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, "Are you going back to Huaxia tomorrow?"

Quan Jiayun turned around, looked directly into her eyes and said, "Well, you have heard that there is something that I need to go back and deal with."

Although she told Li Ge that she would help her, it was better to change the plan. She had nothing else to do at the time, but now that something happened to Quan Zhengcheng, she had to rush back.

Although Quan Zhengcheng was not her biological father, he was the biological father of her body.

She promised the child to take care of her father.

Then when she was still on the earth, she would definitely put Quan Zhengcheng's affairs first, so she had no choice but to feel sorry for Li Ge, even though she knew it was a scam.

After all, the war has started now, because of her relationship, Li Ge has been pushed in front of everyone, and has become the existence of public criticism. He is a foreigner, and he will definitely not convince others.

The other ten lords and the power of the king's capital will inevitably form an alliance to deal with him alone.

With her leaving, Li Ge's burden will inevitably increase.

However, Quan Jiayun will not feel guilty about it.

How can you grow if you don't bear some wind and rain?
Facing Quan Jiayun's calm and clear eyes, Li Ge didn't ask her angrily that she had promised him to help him, but now she retreated halfway, where did she leave him.

Because questioning is the performance of an incompetent man.

Originally without Quan Jiayun, he would have fought for the throne, but now it's just ahead of schedule, it's no big deal, his reputation has been greatly shaken, and there is nothing to regret if he fails.

Do your best for your own ambition, and that vigorous death will not be in vain in this life.

Li Ge looked at her and said, "Okay, I understand, but can you leave quietly when you leave?"

As soon as Quan Jiayun heard what he said, he understood what Li Ge was up to.

Because she thought so too.

She walked quietly, and if others didn't know, they would still guard against her existence, at least to test it before attacking in an all-round way, and this gave Li Ge more time.

Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Of course, no one will know when I leave. Besides, after I finish my work, if time permits, I will fulfill my promise and come to you to help. After all, it is me Forcibly pushing you to this target position, I should be somewhat responsible."

When Li Ge heard the words and was about to speak, Quan Jiayun looked at him meaningfully: "As for how many days you can hide from other people, it depends on your ability. I hope you are still alive when I come over."

(End of this chapter)

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