The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1967 This Awareness Is Good

Chapter 1967 This Awareness Is Good

Li Ge wanted to tell him that she didn't need to be responsible to him.

Hearing her words that he hoped he was still alive, Li Ge was filled with pride in an instant. He swallowed the previous words, stared at her word by word and said solemnly: "I will definitely live."

This is his promise.

He will definitely live to see her again, even if they never become lovers, it doesn't matter, his lover also expects him to be alive enough.


Li Ge looked at her and said with a smile: "However, it doesn't look like you at all if you say that you are responsible. You don't have any responsibility for this matter. It was me who seriously injured Roxy that caused all the troubles to start. Now that it has happened like this, it should be Thank you for that."

"I was already preparing for the opportunity to fight. It can be said that without you, I will have a battle with them."

"And this timing is very good and the momentum is very good. It was originally my own business, but now you have helped me conquer a territory together. Now I have priority over others, don't I?"

Li Ge's bushy brows were lifted up, matched with that handsome mixed-race face, his spirit was high, full of open-minded and unrestrained chic, extraordinarily attractive.

Quan Jiayun blinked his eyes at Li Ge, then pursed his lips and smiled.

She also appreciates Li Ge's heart and courage.

If it were a man with a narrow mind, he would definitely hate her to death, and if he died in battle, he would blame her for the failure, and it's good that Li Ge has such an open-minded attitude.

Knowing your own business, you can only rely on yourself in everything, this awareness is very good.

This is how people should be, and it is the most unreliable thing to want to be helped by others.

A man with this mentality, as long as he does not die, will surely shine brightly in the future.

Li Ge stared at the smile on her face because of him, and said: "So, I welcome you when you come, I will prepare good wine and food for you, and I won't scold you behind your back if you don't come. "

Li Ge blinked his eyes as he said that, he was angry and handsome.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if you scold me behind your back, nothing will happen."

As soon as this sentence came out, the two looked at each other and laughed, and everything was in this smile.

That night, after Quan Jiayun collected some of the things she thought would be useful in the warehouse, she entered the small world to explain to the blond girl, and by the way gave her the method of refining more than half of the blood essence of the three-headed bird and the key to mutation.

When Swoboda heard that Quan Jiayun said that he was leaving now, he panicked.

She grabbed the demon blood that Quan Jiayun gave her, stared at Quan Jiayun and said, "Didn't you say that it will be a while before you leave?"

Quan Jiayun looked at her: "There is nothing static in this world, you should understand this."

Of course Svoboda understands, but even though she understands, the fact that Quan Jiayun is going to leave still makes her extremely insecure. She is afraid of staying here alone. She opened a pair of sky blue eyes, Looking expectantly at Quan Jiayun, he said, "Can't I really follow you to your country?"

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "Yes, but I will only bring you to that country, and I will not care about how you will live in that country where you don't understand the language, so, are you sure you want to follow me there too? "

Hearing this, Swoboda bit her lower lip tightly. She glanced at Quan Jiayun, who had a plain face, and couldn't help saying again: "It really can't..."

(End of this chapter)

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